SOGo does not find Mailboxes

What type of hardware are you using: VPS bought online
What YunoHost version are you running: 12.0.6 - no tweaks, vanilla, base: debian 12.7.0
What app is this about: SOGo 5.8.0~ynh5

Describe your issue

First I’d like to say thank you for your engagement and helpful work.

The problem:
When opening SOGo no mailbox is selected and the users are not able to receive and send mails, because there are no directories listed.
On another older instance with yunohost and SOGo 5.8.0~ynh5 thers’s no problem.

Thank you very much for your assistance and help.

Share relevant logs or error messages


Can you share me the result of this:

Thank you for your response.

Thanks in advance!


Thanks for the info, I think you are impacter by sogo no IMAP4 password available · Issue #33 · YunoHost-Apps/sogo_ynh · GitHub so the solution would be to change your hostname file like this way: remove the tld part so by exemple if my domain is put just yolo.

Small question, how did you do the Yunohost install on this server ?

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Wonderful. Thank you very much.
I guess it was hard to find this solution the first time, now it’s just a little fix. My deepest respects.

To your question in short:
KVM - Debian12 netinst.iso upload - vnc guided os installation - yunohost installation script

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