SNI-based forwarding is missing

What type of hardware are you using: Raspberry Pi 3, 4+
What YunoHost version are you running: 12.0.7
How are you able to access your server: The webadmin
Are you in a special context or did you perform specific tweaking on your YunoHost instance ?: Not that I’m aware of

Describe your issue

I’m trying to make a 2nd YunoHost server reachable.

I’ve enabled advanced security settings but I cannot find the SNI-based forwarding feature that I believe would help me achieve the goal. Other tab only shows backup compression and network (mine set to both)

Is the SNI-based forwarding still a thing? Is it possible to set it up via CLI? Something like sudo yunohost settings set misc.tls_passthrough maybe?

Share relevant logs or error messages

No logs. The feature is missing.

Yes, and it is still a hidden and unsupported feature while we iron things out:

sudo yunohost settings set misc.tls_passthrough.tls_passthrough_enabled -v 1
sudo yunohost settings get misc.tls_passthrough.tls_passthrough_explain -f
# Read the warning in the `ask` section
# ...
# You should specify a list of items formatted as DOMAIN;DESTINATION;DESTPORT, such as yolo.test;;443
sudo yunohost settings set -v yolo.test;;443

Ah, ok. I thought it was public domain by now.

When running the first command (sudo yunohost settings set misc.tls_passthrough.tls_passthrough_enabled -v 1) I get KeyError: 'security_experimental_enabled', which I don’t know if it’s expected.

The last command (sudo yunohost settings set -v yolo.test;;443) returns Error: You can't set a single value on an entire config section..

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