[Simple Torrent] Remote torrent client

Simple Torrent for YunoHost

Integration level
Install Simple Torrent with YunoHost


Simple Torrent is a self-hosted remote torrent client, written in Go (golang). Started torrents remotely, download sets of files on the local disk of the server, which are then retrievable or streamable via HTTP.

Shipped version: 1.2.11


Developer info

Please send your pull request to the testing branch.

To try the testing branch, please proceed like that.

sudo yunohost app install https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/simple-torrent_ynh/tree/testing --debug
sudo yunohost app upgrade simple-torrent -u https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/simple-torrent_ynh/tree/testing --debug

New stable version :tada:

  • 24 February 2021 - #15
    • Upgrade to upstream version 1.2.14

Thanks for this. But both in this update and in the previous one, all my configs were not respected. ie, custom directory for completed and watched torrents as well as other settings. I had to reconfigure all from the beginning. Don’t know if it is possible for the configs to be kept in every update, but I am just mentioning it FYI.

Manually-modified files should have been automatically backuped inside /home/yunohost.conf/backup/ before they get replaced (and a warning message should have shown you the diff)

In the general case, it’s not trivial wether or not to keep or overwrite a manually modified file, there are plenty of things that can go wrong in both cases, but the more general case is that people don’t edit the config file manually, so it kind of make sense to, by default, overwrite the conf file (while warning the user and keeping a backup of the original file)

But yeah we could have a mechanism to specify that admin don’t want this file to be overwritten … this is part of the “how to handle the regen-conf of apps” which is a big topic.

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can we use this alternate to Peertube? Seeding the videos which we want from it?

I don’t know if you can stream videos with this app although the description suggests that you can. One as to try …

SimpleTorrent is a a self-hosted remote torrent client, written in Go (golang). Started torrents remotely, download sets of files on the local disk of the server, which are then retrievable or streamable via HTTP.

New stable version :tada:

  • 9 March 2021 - #20
    • Upgrade to upstream version 1.2.15
      • Config file is now preserved during upgrade

Hi all,

Few days ago (maybe after the app’s upgrade?) I cannot access it and when i visit the link I get a 502 Bad Gateway Nginx and the service is on auto restart…
Here’s the log

The port from my router is open.

Any ideas?

EDIT: I restored 1.2.22 from a backup and all is running fine. So something is wrong in the last version 1.2.23.

The variable __PORT__ in systemd.service doesn’t seem to be replaced by the ynh_add_systemd_config helper as it should.
For now I pushed a fix in testing that will be available soon in master.

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By any chance, are you still on a YunoHost version prior to 4.2?

Yes I was actually. I just upgraded to 4.2.4. Do you think this was it?

I think it is, as the ynh_add_systemd_config slightly changed with v4.2, with the inclusion of the automatic variable replacement feature. If you try to upgrade again, it should work now since you are on v4.2.4. :crossed_fingers:

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Yeap, I upgraded it correctly now. All ok! :grinning: :smiley:

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New stable version :tada:

Be aware that the config file will be replaced in this version. The config file upstream has been changed from .json to .yaml and has now more configurable options.