Sign-up form / app for my users

Hi. I have been using Yunohost for a number of years and I love it.

I’d like to make the platform available for sign-up to people, to benefit from the SSO inherent in the system.

I have some other third party apps (outside of Yunohost) which I’ve been able to get authenticating against the Yunohost LDAP.

I’m not a programmer or developer, but a very experienced OS and infrastructure sysadmin.

So my question is, is there an automated signup app or similar for Yunohost? similar to joining any other website ie. enter your email, pick password or whatever.

I’d like to get people signed up to Yunohost and then not only use the apps in it (that I make available in their portal) but have Yunohost be the central user account store via it’s LDAP.

Please advise if someone has already done this, there’s an app for it or how it can be done.

Thank you.


I like to bump this post as I have the same question.

Even better for me would be a way to send a bunch (say 200) emails with invitation link to a sign-up form.

Maybe for now you can take request from a form. Fetch details from the database and run the Yunohost command to create users through a script. You can have the details on your email of new registered users.

(ping @ljf who’s our local expert about this kind of topic and will be working on related features at some point if i remember correctly )

Yes, I’m still interested in this and thought my post here was being ignored :slight_smile: thanks for bumping it. I love yunohost but after extensive research couldn’t find any way to get people signing up into it, which is why I raised the original query and hope one day to have a feature like that for the platform.

Thanks for looking into.

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I should work on that kind of features in 2 weeks thanks to the CNAM:

  • Password reset
  • User import from CSV
  • Invitation link to subscribe

I hope those dev will help you too. I start after i finish vpnclient/config panel improvements


this would be so helpful! It would absolutely change how often I can use YNH is projects.


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Btw folks don’t hesitate to provide more details on your use cases (which grealy helps us designing the whole thing) like :

  • the kind of public this is meant to (family/friends, association, classroom, entire school, enterprise / collegues, techy vs. non-techy people, …)
  • the number of users (approximately … like is it 10, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000+…)
  • how you’d like to import them or is there any interface to be done with an external DB of user, or say a spreadsheet, … (and is this a one-time import or should it support “updating existing users” as well)
  • or something different (as @dosch mentioned), send invitation links to a ~hundred people
  • when importing/inviting users, would it make sense for you to be able to add them to specific groups
  • or is your main use case more focused on password reset and/or invitation links, rather than being to able to import users. Like is it about “my users keep forgetting their passwords”, or “i just don’t want to define a password for my friends/family because they won’t change it”, or “i want to make an open platform where random people can register” or something else

I’d love to have such a feature in YunoHost.
My use-case is to move my family and friends to XMPP chat on my server (and later other services). Sending a separate invitation link to each person would be a good option. I don’t need to import, and password reset might be useful too.


Hey, nice topic, my use case is this :
I would like to send invite link by email, signal or whatever to family, friends, so they can sign up and choose their password. I do not like having to define their password myself.

I hope this help you @Aleks and @ljf


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I have multiple usecases, but the one I am currently in is:

We use YNH for a small, starting school. We primarily use Nextcloud, but also some other apps like WordPress, a wiki and Pixelfed.

Currently I have to create, manually, accounts for every new parent (mostly two per child), teachers and other staffers. I have to pick their login credentials.
Afterwards I have to set their roles in Nextcloud as well.

I can imagine two scenarios:

  1. Parents create their own account, choose the class/group their child is in and set their own password. As the domain in on the schools URL the parents now get a new email address associated with the school. Ideally I’d have them use their own email account and use that to manage their account.

  2. I (or an appointed staffer) receive monthly CSV with the names and emails of new parents from the school and use that to create new user accounts. New parents get a confirmation link to confirm they indeed want an account on the server.

Ideally there is a link with the system of NC that also allows the rights as set in YNH to be used in the NC app. But this might be a little to demanding, I ack.

ps. I forgot the question list from @Aleks

  • the kind of public this is meant to
    Entire school
  • the number of users
    starting with 90, growing to 400
  • how you’d like to import them or is there any interface to be done with an external DB of user, or say a spreadsheet, … (and is this a one-time import or should it support “updating existing users” as well)
    an interface would be nice, but also the option to upload a CSV would be great. New users need to be added constantly, but old ones also removed; search and sorting is important to find current users
  • or something different (as @dosch mentioned), send invitation links to a ~hundred people
    Yes, this would be great; a generic sign-on link that can be included in every welcome mail to a new parent.
  • when importing/inviting users, would it make sense for you to be able to add them to specific groups
    Yes, especially if these groups also have meaning inside apps like Nextcloud and Wordpress. A member of group A in YNH could automatically be added to the group moderators in Wordpress for example.
  • or is your main use case more focused on password reset and/or invitation links, rather than being to able to import users. Like is it about “my users keep forgetting their passwords”, or “i just don’t want to define a password for my friends/family because they won’t change it”, or “i want to make an open platform where random people can register” or something else
    also currently users have to set their own alternating email address. I wish this could also be done during sign-on. People already have a mail address, they do not need a new one from me

This is done in [enh] Import users with a CSV by zamentur · Pull Request #1089 · YunoHost/yunohost · GitHub and with the new webadmin (for filter) should be merged in 4.2.
It contains also the possibility to specify the group.

Something like that is described in Allow users to self-register (or with invitation link) · Issue #1677 · YunoHost/issues · GitHub i am currently working on it (and on password reset).

That’s what i am doing with reset password PR

Thanks for your answer, it confirms technical choice i am currently doing.


I use Yunohost for my non-profit organisation.
I would like to specify my own fileld for registration (ex. address, age, competence, ect)
A public registration form would be great
Also a invite link would be great !

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Now I have also stumbled upon this thread as I am looking for ways to use Yunohost for my two classes. Have some of you found a hack regarding this sign ups?

You can now import users from a CSV file in the admin panel.

You can use a form using Google Forms and then export the responses to a csv file. I would recommend that you export your current users to see the file format for the csv


OK, thanks, but I cannot just tell them sign up here and login, it still requires me to these manual step of importing? So the process would be:
(1) I ask them to sign up via some form
(2) At home I do the exporting and importing stuff
(3) Next day in class I tell the students that they can sign in, right?

Wouldn’t it possible to add a new user with a curl ?
That wouldn’t be very pretty but you could probably use something like n8n app to link between a form provider and your custom-made curl script to create a user

No need for any curl script of course, just use the internal yunohost user add !

You’ll need that node : for the user creation, and another node, like for example for the input

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Yes! That sounds about right

Using something like Google Forms or Typeform should speed up everything because you can then process the data in a spreadsheet program