Server xftp of simplex stopped working after client mobile upgrade to 5.5.6

Running yunohost on a rpi4, everything updated and no custom stuff.
Simplex was working fine both smp and xftp. But after the client upgrade to 5.5.6 xftp stopped working (in the client I see a server test as failed), smp works fine. I thought it was some bug to be corrected in the newer version, but after recent server and client upgrade the problem persist, what could it be?
I see nothing wrong in the logs.

Please note that the arm64 version is still unchanged, only the amd64 version has been updated to version 5.6.2. (Not having an arm64 platform, I cannot compile simplex to arm64…)

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Is a Raspberry Pi 3B with a 64 bits Raspberry Pi OS can compile it ?
If it’s possible, i can try to do it but i need a CLI detailed procedure.



Oh I see. I will wait then, could it be possible to add an onion domain as relay also?

These are the steps to build simplex:

But I am using from the yunohost repo app, do you recomend installing manually?

do you recomend installing manually?

No, I was answering to @ppr for ARM binary build.

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I’ve done a test to build for amd64 on a VM.

I had to add some packages regarding the tutorial.
I think i’ve understand the way to build.

Now i’m going to buy an sd-card and try to build on my Raspberry Pi.

If my Raspberry with 1Go ram survive the arm64 build, could you explain me how to push them on Github ?


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After compiling, you will end up with 2 binaries: smp-server and xftp-server.

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thanks for whoever worked on the latest arm upgrade of the server, but I still have xftp not working yet. I am running the testing branch


I try but it can’t build simplexmq, even with cabal install --allow-newer.
I’m always stuck at build simplexmq about dependencies.
I hope it’s just related about select good versions with ghcup tiu that l’ve missed.
I’m going to restart from scratch later because it takes a lot of time.


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Finally I’ve install Debian 10 Buster because it failed to build with Debian 11 Bullseye or with Debian 12 Bookworm.
Maybe related to some packages about .deb10 during ghcup’s installation.

So now my poor Raspberry 3B is building and it takes a loooooooot of time. I hope it goes to the end without any dependency’s problem or others.

If someone wants to try, with a Raspberry Pi 4/5, or maybe with Debian arm64 in a VM on a Mac M1/2/3 arm64 if it’s technically possible ?, i can share my few notes about the process.



SMP,XFTP,NTF lastest arm64

Openssl 3.0.2
GHC 9.6.3

Moderation: removed link as this user is not known from the dev or moderation team, we can’t be sure those binaries are safe to use. No hard feelings, sorry if you sincerely wanted to help a fellow user.

Moderation team remove my binaries so…

i need a CLI detailed procedure.

Ubuntu server 22.04 LTS 64Bit

sudo apt update && apt upgrade

sudo apt install -y build-essential curl libffi-dev libffi8ubuntu1 libgmp-dev libgmp10 libncurses-dev libncurses5 libtinfo5 libssl-dev libgmp3-dev zlib1g-dev

sudo fallocate -l 2G /swap.img && chmod 600 /swap.img

sudo mkswap /swap.img

sudo swapon /swap.img

sudo reboot


git clone

cd simplexmq

git checkout stable

cabal update

cabal install

Wait 11 hours on RPi 3B+ :slight_smile:

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