Server upgrade of the newe server

Ok, good that you found a source that can help you understand the concept!

The resulting scp-command would be something like

You are quite close now, I think. Good luck!

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My question would be to transfer which programs or programs installed from server A from the area of ​​server A and Yunohost to the new server B! You left that for me as input earlier. Find backup files on Yunohost, then move them, get them on Yunohost on new server B. So that it only moves to the place where the old server is now. At the end comes the new Hin. Hence my exact questions and exact procedure

Meine Frage wĂ€re dazu welche oder von Server a aus Bereich von Server A und Yunohost installierten Programmen auf den neuen Server B rĂŒberzuschieben! Das hatten Sie weiter oben doch mir als Eingabe hinterlassen. Sicherungskopie Dateien unter Yunohost zu finden, um diese dann zu verschieben, auf Yunohost auf neuen Server B zu bekommen. So das er nur noch an dem Platz wandert, wo jetzt, der alter Server steht. Kommt zum Schluss der neue Hin. Daher meine genaue fragen und genaue Vorgehensweise

Thanks am have more be/fall under the authority of thanks
 Your the beast helper thanks

The nice thing is, it helped me a lot and after old things especially when you can find them! This is how you understand Yunohost better and better :blush: and especially when there are such good ones who really help you! Thank you for that
JfmbLinux thanks and stay healthy :blush: How can I download the packages from my backup via terminal? u=carrabelloy

Das schöne ist, es hat mir sehr geholfen und nach alten dingen besonders, wenn man sie findet! So versteht man Yunohost auch immer besser :blush: und besonders wenn solch guten dabei sind die einem wirklich helfen! Habt Danke dafĂŒr @wbk @JfmbLinux thanks and bleib gesund :blush: How can I download the packages from my backup via terminal

So, do I understand correctly that you managed to restore the backup on the new server?

When restoring the backup, it includes not only the data, but also the apps. Is it working now?

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no, that’s still on the old server, now I have to set up the scp on both servers, i.e. install it. Or is it already included in the program and only has to be called with : :blush:? on the serve. Yunosthost also has Debian

nein, das ist noch auf dem alten Server, muss jetzt erst mal das scp auf beiden Servern herrichten also Installieren. Oder ist es schon mit im Programm enthalten und muss es nur per : :blush: aufrufen? auf den serven. Yunosthost hat auch Debian

In that case: scp is one of the basic utilities installed with any distribution, just like SSH or even part of SSH.

There’s a first time for everything, but once you have tried it once, it is very simple to use. Everything is ready for you to do the migration. With two weeks left on your old server, just get on with it!

  • SSH and scp are available by default on Yunohost
  • Copy your stuff to the new server with scp
  • System backup includes all users, groups, domains. Restore that one first to have matching user id’s etc.
  • App backup includes all apps and their data most of the time
    • Nextcloud is an example of an app that is backed up without data by default, because the backups would get too big. Have a look in the yunohost backup options to see how to backup data as well, or copy it seperately

There’s not much more to it :slight_smile:

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ein live wÀre mir lieber. Thanks

Unfortunately that doesn’t work because I don’t know how to start it at all.
Leider klappt das nicht, da ich nicht weiß, wie ich das ĂŒberhaupt anfangen muss.

So, if you log in to serverB, the new one, try this:

admin@serverB: $ scp admin@serverA:/home/yunohost.backup/archives/202201*  /home/yunohost.backup/archives/ 

I took 202201* from the example above, it will copy all backups from January, from serverA to serverB.

Does that work? Can you log in as admin on serverB?

If it does not work, could you show the command you typed and the error message?

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“screen -dmS backup bash -c ‘rsync -avz -e ssh /home/yunohost.backup/archives root@; exec bash’”

Ok, if that works for you, it works :slight_smile:

If you now have the backup over at serverB, you can

sudo yunohost backup list

That will list all archives. Follow with

sudo yunohost backup 202201..... # the one that you want to restore

You can get some info with the yunohost backup info backupname-command.

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sending incremental file list
archives/20210311-195045 (1).info.json
archives/20210311-195045 (1).tar
screen -rbackup archives/20210627-221431.tar

Now you have all files on serverB, correct?

That one is most recent, do you know what it contains? It is two months old, is that recent enough for you?

You could run it for a test:

admin@serverB:~$ sudo yunohost backup restore 20220105-022628

It will put the apps and the data from the archive to your new server.

To visit the new server to see if everything is OK, you can do two things:

  • change DNS to point your domain to the IP of the new server
  • or add the IP of your new server to your /etc/hosts file on your desktop/laptop/telephone for testing

To make the switch ‘official’, the DNS needs to be updated. For testing if everything is in the right place, I usually add the server I test to /etc/hosts so that I can test, but other visitors still go to the old server.

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It looks like the backup archive ‘/home/yunohost.backup/archives/20220105-022628.tar’ is corrupted : unexpected end of data

skipping directory archives
rsync: link_stat “/home/yunohost.backup/archives/auf” failed: No such file or directory (2)
rsync: link_stat “/home/yunohost.backup/archives/” failed: No such file or directory (2)
rsync: link_stat “/home/yunohost.backup/archives/mit” failed: No such file or directory (2)
skipping directory archives
rsync: link_stat “/home/yunohost.backup/archives/” failed: No such file or directory (2)
rsync: link_stat “/home/yunohost.backup/archives/via” failed: No such file or directory (2)
rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1207) [sender=3.1.3

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