It seems that the fix has not been backported to 7.0 I think it will be available soon in debian 9 repos. But I do not know if there is anything else than update to do… ?
J’ai testé grep -r “fastcgi_split_path_info” /etc/nginx
Terrrrrrrrrrrrrible…toutes les applis sont concernées!
Il y a t il une solution définitive en vue n’empêchant pas le fonctionnement des applications?
For people who wants to protect their server from this attack, i suggest this…
Thanks. I’m guessing if we make these manual changes though they might get in the way of package/app-level changes which will (hopefully?) come through?
As said above if you apply these lines you should be safe (in theory)
sed -i '/try_files $fastcgi_script_name =404;/d' /etc/nginx/conf.d/*/*.conf
sed -i '/fastcgi_split_path_info/a try_files $fastcgi_script_name =404;' /etc/nginx/conf.d/*/*.conf
service nginx reload
This solution is logically quite correct, even if for libreto I found that it broke the app. (A specific capital letter for libreto exists.
Note: this solution will manually modify your app configurations, in theory they will be rewritten the next time the app is updated.
Last night I worked on a generic fix via ssowat, but it takes me a little time to do a test with the exploit that has been published, help is welcome.
Comme dit plus haut si vous appliquez ces lignes vous devriez être en sûreté (en théorie)
sed -i '/try_files $fastcgi_script_name =404;/d' /etc/nginx/conf.d/*/*.conf
sed -i '/fastcgi_split_path_info/a try_files $fastcgi_script_name =404;' /etc/nginx/conf.d/*/*.conf
service nginx reload
Cette solution est logiquement plutôt correcte, même si pour libreto j’ai constaté que ça cassait l’app. (Une maj spécifique pour libreto existe.
Note: cette solution va modifier manuellement vos configurations de vos apps, en théorie elle seront réécrites à la prochaines mises à jour de l’app donc.
Hier soir j’ai travaillé sur un fix générique via ssowat, mais il me faut un peu de temps pour faire un test avec l’exploit qui a été publié, toute aide est la bienvenue.
I just tried to run the PoC on my install, it doesn’t seem to trigger the vulnerability…
Sorry, I was misguided, in our case we get redirected to /yunohost/sso/. Adding the try_files to the config generates a 404. In the Nextcloud post they also mention removing $request_uri from location /, and this removes the 404 and you get redirected to /index.php/apps/files.