Say "Hi" to the brand new YunoHost forum!

We are glad to announce that we have migrated to

This forum, based on Discourse, will host support topics, news from YunoHost and the team members and discussions about further improvements.

The idea behind it is to federate the YunoHost community in a more efficient way, and somehow it is a way for us to interact easily with you. :smile:

However, we are still more active on the support chatroom, but this platform is more persistent and above all, you are now able to help other YunoHost’s users.

Do not hesitate to come here often and look out for new topics !

I’m curious about ?
What do you want to do with it ?

good job anyway is deprecated, we will keep it as an archive.

Good work on the new forum! I was hoping you would switch to Discourse. I think it is a great resource that will accelerate the success of YunoHost.

Let’s hope Discourse will make it as an app into yunohost! :wink: