Rustdesk-server connection problems

What type of hardware are you using: Old laptop or computer
What YunoHost version are you running: 12
What app is this about: rustdesk-server

Describe your issue

Rustdesk client doesn’t connect to the rustdesk-server on startup.

The server is installed on
The network settings are correct, and the installation script has opened the required firewall ports on the yunohost server.

The client only connects once the firewall is refreshed.

Anyone else facing this issue?

Share relevant logs or error messages

Nov 01 14:44:48 systemd[1]: Started rustdeskrelay.service - RustDesk: Relay Server.
Nov 02 06:09:19 systemd[1]: Stopping rustdeskrelay.service - RustDesk: Relay Server…
Nov 02 06:09:19 systemd[1]: rustdeskrelay.service: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 02 06:09:19 systemd[1]: Stopped rustdeskrelay.service - RustDesk: Relay Server.
Nov 02 06:09:19 systemd[1]: rustdeskrelay.service: Consumed 10.841s CPU time.
– Boot 1bd5f1a2dfe54e9f9a931768adc2bdc9 –
Nov 02 06:09:43 systemd[1]: Started rustdeskrelay.service - RustDesk: Relay Server.

so no one huh?

The issue is a real one. I have scoured the internet and found others who report the same thing. Maybe it’s the server itself?

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