Rounfcube update failed : "Unable to install core dependencies with Composer"


My YunoHost server

Hardware: VPS bought online
YunoHost version: 11.2.27
I have access to my server : Through SSH and the webadmin
Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : no
If your request is related to an app, specify its name and version: update roundcube from 1.6.0~ynh4 to 1.6.8~ynh1

Description of my issue

The update of my roundcube instance failed.

WARNING - Unable to install core dependencies with Composer.
ERROR - Impossible de mettre à jour roundcube : Une erreur s'est produite durant l'exécution du script de mise à niveau de l'application

I don’t read any other details about my problem in the log.

Here is the full log :

I found this topic, but it didn’t help.
I didn’t find other topic relating to my issue. Does anyone have an idea ?



J’ai exactement le même problème (même version, même message dans le log).

Dans le log, avant le ynh_die il y a le message suivant:

2024-08-18 16:12:56,613: DEBUG - Composer plugins have been disabled for safety in this non-interactive session. Set COMPOSER_ALLOW_SUPERUSER=1 if you want to allow plugins to run as root/super user.
2024-08-18 16:12:56,614: DEBUG - Do not run Composer as root/super user! See for details
2024-08-18 16:12:56,626: DEBUG - Composer could not find a composer.json file in /var/www/roundcube
2024-08-18 16:12:56,626: DEBUG - To initialize a project, please create a composer.json file. See
2024-08-18 16:12:56,649: DEBUG - + ynh_die '--message=Unable to install core dependencies with Composer.'

Il semble que le fichier composer.json semble etre un probléme …

Dans le repertoire /var/www/roundcube/ on trouve un fichier composer.json :

/var/www/roundcube# ls -l composer.*
-rw-r----- 1 roundcube www-data    1169 Aug 19  2022 composer.json
-rw-r----- 1 roundcube www-data    1086 Jul 23  2022 composer.json-dist
-rw-r----- 1 roundcube www-data  135812 Aug 19  2022 composer.lock
-rwxr-x--- 1 roundcube www-data 2719975 Aug 19  2022 composer.phar

Contenu du fichier composer.json :

    "name": "roundcube/roundcubemail",
    "description": "The Roundcube Webmail suite",
    "license": "GPL-3.0-or-later",
    "repositories": [
            "type": "composer",
            "url": ""
    "require": {
        "php": ">=7.3.0",
        "pear/pear-core-minimal": "~1.10.1",
        "pear/auth_sasl": "~1.1.0",
        "pear/mail_mime": "~1.10.0",
        "pear/net_smtp": "~1.10.0",
        "pear/crypt_gpg": "~1.6.3",
        "pear/net_sieve": "~1.4.5",
        "roundcube/plugin-installer": "~0.3.1",
        "roundcube/rtf-html-php": "~2.1",
        "masterminds/html5": "~2.7.0",
        "guzzlehttp/guzzle": "^7.3.0",
        "kolab/net_ldap3": "^1.1",
        "johndoh/contextmenu": "3.3",
        "sblaisot/automatic_addressbook": "v0.4.3",
        "roundcube/carddav": "4.4.1",
        "bacon/bacon-qr-code": "^2.0.0"
    "require-dev": {
        "phpunit/phpunit": "^4.8.36 || ^5.7.21 || ^6 || ^7"
    "suggest": {
        "kolab/net_ldap3": "~1.1.1 required for connecting to LDAP",
        "bjeavons/zxcvbn-php": "^1.0 required for Zxcvbn password strength driver"

Il y a bien un topic qui parle de probléme avec le fichier composer.json à la mise à jour de roundcube : Roundcube Installation issues

Bref … je n’ai pas encore de solution

Nouvelle tentative à l’instant. Ça ne fonctionne pas mieux, mais j’ai une erreur différente.

2024-09-01 17:55:43,285: DEBUG - ++ [[ phpversion =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)_ ]]
2024-09-01 17:55:43,544: DEBUG - + phpversion=8.3
2024-09-01 17:55:43,545: DEBUG - + ynh_print_info '--message=Declaring files to be backed up...'
2024-09-01 17:55:43,570: INFO - Declaring files to be backed up...
2024-09-01 17:55:43,573: DEBUG - + ynh_backup --src_path=
2024-09-01 17:55:43,663: DEBUG - + dest_path=
2024-09-01 17:55:43,664: DEBUG - + is_big=0
2024-09-01 17:55:43,664: DEBUG - + not_mandatory=0
2024-09-01 17:55:43,665: DEBUG - + BACKUP_CORE_ONLY=1
2024-09-01 17:55:43,667: DEBUG - + test -n roundcube
2024-09-01 17:55:43,668: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting_get --app=roundcube --key=do_not_backup_data
2024-09-01 17:55:43,772: DEBUG - ++ [[ do_not_backup_data =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)_ ]]
2024-09-01 17:55:44,034: DEBUG - + do_not_backup_data=
2024-09-01 17:55:44,036: DEBUG - + '[' '!' -e '' ']'
2024-09-01 17:55:44,037: DEBUG - + ynh_print_warn '--message=Source path '\'''\'' does not exist'
2024-09-01 17:55:44,060: DEBUG - + ynh_print_log 'Source path '\'''\'' does not exist'
2024-09-01 17:55:44,061: DEBUG - + echo -e 'Source path '\'''\'' does not exist'
2024-09-01 17:55:44,063: WARNING - Source path '' does not exist
2024-09-01 17:55:44,066: DEBUG - + '[' 0 == 0 ']'
2024-09-01 17:55:44,069: DEBUG - + grep --quiet /etc/fail2ban
2024-09-01 17:55:44,070: DEBUG - + return 1
2024-09-01 17:55:44,071: DEBUG - + ynh_exit_properly
2024-09-01 17:55:44,073: DEBUG - + [[ backup =~ ^install$|^upgrade$|^restore$ ]]
2024-09-01 17:55:45,601: DEBUG - Échec de l'exécution du script : /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app_tr08y_2_/scripts/backup
2024-09-01 17:55:45,605: ERROR - Impossible de sauvegarder roundcube

Je remarque :

WARNING - Source path '' does not exist
ERROR - Impossible de sauvegarder roundcube

Est-ce que ça pourrait être lié à ça ?


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