Roundcube doesn't send email, but Mail works

My YunoHost server

Hardware: old computer
YunoHost version:
Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : no
If yes, please explain:

Description of my problem

Trying to configure Roundcube on my server. In Roundcube I can recieve email, but I cannot send email. I click the send button and it doesn’t do anything.

I can send email from terminal to my own email address and to protonmail. I tried sending to a gmail address but was rejected.

echo test | mail

I ran Mail Tester to see my score to see if it could help troubleshoot things

I ran that Yunohost python mail checker script others have tried.

SRV record for _xmpp-client._tcp : OK! :)
SRV record for _xmpp-server._tcp : OK! :)
CNAME record for muc : OK! :)
CNAME record for pubsub : OK! :)
CNAME record for vjud : OK! :)
MX record for @ : OK! :)
TXT record for @ : OK! :)
TXT record for mail._domainkey : Problem found :(
    Expected : "v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDcp89AmS0BUnqZ7ph/loZOF80irRnzEv70tojI8b9Lb0NJZWOwY0dcy54H6a4307AeZ94ttAM0UMb78XGEBm9tFh/zE2yY8osHwSSm88uGIGvxlVFan7ZjRo4wEz8lU6hYtcWYj0thK1j7/gM1ynXjIHQ282IfQOk2UkHOOAhfxQIDAQAB" 
    Current  : "v=DKIM1; h=sha256; k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDcp89AmS0BUnqZ7ph/loZOF80irRnzEv70tojI8b9Lb0NJZWOwY0dcy54H6a4307AeZ94ttAM0UMb78XGEBm9tFh/zE2yY8osHwSSm88uGIGvxlVFan7ZjRo4wEz8lU6hYtcWYj0thK1j7/gM1ynXjIHQ282IfQOk2UkHOOAhfxQIDAQAB" 
TXT record for _dmarc : OK! :)
A record for @ : OK! :)

I deleted the h=sha256; and updated my DNS already (waiting for it to propagate).

Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot email?

So what do you mean it doesn’t do anything … Does the interface just seem to not react at all on you clicking the button, or do you mean it’s as if the mail seems to be sent but you don’t receive it on the other end ?


Same bug here, for me when you click on send button, the interface don’t react

Pour moi, même problème ici, le bouton d’envoi ne génère aucune action, l’email reste ouvert, est c’est tout rien n’indique une quelconque action en cours.

So what do you mean it doesn’t do anything … Does the interface just seem to not react at all on you clicking the button, or do you mean it’s as if the mail seems to be sent but you don’t receive it on the other end ?

the button doesn’t react at all. i click it 10 times but nothing happens. it changes color when i click it but then nothing happens.

  • I just installed and let Thunderbird do default setup. It opened fine and retrieved mail. I tried to respond to an email from Gilbert G. (it went through!) but it just stalled at sending mail for a long time (see picture).

  • I configured Thunderbird client according to this guide:
    YunoHost • index

  • not sure how to troubleshoot this from here

Can people reproducing this problem check the web browser console logs, as well as web server logs (/var/log/nginx/mydomain-error.log)?

Couldn’t reproduce it on my test server with yunohost… but reproduced it ONCE after upgrading to yunohost…

Log in web browser console:

app.min.js?s=1554031445:187 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'get_content' of undefined
    at rcube_webmail.check_compose_input (app.min.js?s=1554031445:187)
    at rcube_webmail.command (app.min.js?s=1554031445:80)
    at HTMLAnchorElement.onclick (?_task=mail&_action=compose&_id=4247003365cbd6b11ac56f:152)

I have this systematic log at each mail sending in web server error log (even when successful):

2019/04/22 09:22:53 [error] 6795#6795: *2 lua entry thread aborted: runtime error: /usr/share/ssowat/access.lua:324: Interrupted system call
stack traceback:
coroutine 0:
        [C]: in function '(for generator)'
        /usr/share/ssowat/access.lua:324: in function 'scandir'
        /usr/share/ssowat/access.lua:348: in function </usr/share/ssowat/access.lua:1>, client:, server: ortest.local, request: "GET /webmail/plugins/managesieve/managesieve.min.js?s=1554031445 HTTP/2.0", host: "ortest.local", referrer: "https://ortest.local/webmail/?_task=mail&_refresh=1&_mbox=INBOX"
2019/04/22 09:22:54 [error] 6795#6795: *2 lua entry thread aborted: runtime error: /usr/share/ssowat/access.lua:324: Interrupted system call
stack traceback:
coroutine 0:
        [C]: in function '(for generator)'
        /usr/share/ssowat/access.lua:324: in function 'scandir'
        /usr/share/ssowat/access.lua:348: in function </usr/share/ssowat/access.lua:1>, client:, server: ortest.local, request: "GET /webmail/plugins/markasjunk/markasjunk.min.js?s=1554031445 HTTP/2.0", host: "ortest.local", referrer: "https://ortest.local/webmail/?_task=mail&_refresh=1&_mbox=INBOX"

Uuuuh, that is weird … apparently something happening here :

But I don’t understand why it would suddenly get “Interrupted system call” ?