[RocketChat] The ultimate chat platform

I’d like to raise awareness / share info / contribute to a working RocketChat 4 ynh implementation available here:

state: working

  • install
  • remove

current bleeding edge in my fork (pull request to main repo is on its way):

Vesion 0.57.2-rc.2 in this repo has following functionalities:

  • install
  • remove
  • backup
  • restore
  • upgrade

I have tested this package with the official ynh linter and deployed in on debian 8.8 x64.

I need support for tests on arm & x86.

Also it would be great if this app would be listed on the unofficiall app list.

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Thanks for the work :slight_smile:

I think you can find some help on the App chatroom (apps@conference.yunohost.org or via https://chat.yunohost.org/)

To add the app in the community list, you need to make a PR to edit community.json (like this one)


J’ai voulu tester rocketchat sur mon serveur de teste (yunohost 2.7.2).

Et je me retrouve avec une erreur lors de l’installation, je viens donc poster le log ici =>

Si quelqu’un a une idée…

Bonjour @djez,

your log shows that the application cannot be installed on the location /rocketchat (maybe because you have installed an app on your root?)

I found a similar issue here: Impossible d'installer l'application à cet emplacement

Can you try using a subdomain when installing?

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New stable version :tada:


New stable version :tada:

New stable version :tada:


If I understand well, this is not working on Raspberry 4 64bits because of MongoDB ?

I made a fix for the arm64 arch. I don’t have a Raspberry 4 64bits for testing…

If you are intereted in testing:
sudo yunohost app install https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/rocketchat_ynh/tree/arm64

Seems not working : https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/ifevuyiwit

Ok… I just realize this works for Raspberry with Ubuntu only