Rocket Chat - Android/iOS app problem

My YunoHost server

Hardware: VPS bought online
YunoHost version:
I have access to my server : Through SSH | through the webadmin
Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : no special context
If yes, please explain:

Hello Everyone. I love this project and enjoy watching it grow.

I’ve mainly been using yunohost to set up a personal chat server. I started with Matrix/Synapse but have since decided to try rocketchat. The app installed just as planned, however, I cannot connect my phones (android and ios) to the workspace URL. Every time I use the URL, the phones give me this message, “Oops! This is not a RocketChat server. Contact your server admin.” What is odd to me is that I can connect to rocketchat via a webrowser on my laptop. Anyone know what to do?

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Just an idea as I never used, but maybe the phone uses an API to connect and this API is not set as public ?

Is the app defined as public ?
If not, can you try to make it public ?
And if this works, then search the documentation somewhere to find the urls used by the phone app. This url will need to be added in the YunoHost’s app config so it it always public.

Edit : why did you delete the topic’s template here ?
Every information requested inside is, vell, requested.

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I edited my post to include the template.

Sorry - I don’t know how to identify whether or not an Android app’s API is public. Rocketchat is a well known communications platform. I doubt I would need to do anything with the API.

I do wonder if I need to edit the .conf nginx file. Unfortunately there isn’t documentation on this site about the rocketchat app

The question is : did you set the Rocket.Chat_ynh as a private app during install? if so make it public so that the android app can access it.

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Ahhh… I see. I didn’t realize what the “Should this app be exposed to anonymous visitors?” option really meant. I reinstalled the rocketchat app and made sure I set that option to yes. My issue is solved. Thanks

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If making the app public solve the problem, there may still be a problem somewhere.
That’s why I was talking about an API, you do not need to do anything with it, but the API’s url should be public even if the app is set to private.

Maybe you can raise a bug with this use case on the app code page.
I found issues looking like this, closed but not solved (solved on user side by setting the app public, like this one : Can't use rocketchat electron app with rocketchat on yunohost · Issue #41 · YunoHost-Apps/rocketchat_ynh · GitHub )

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