I just installed nextcloud on an old machine 2Go 500Go at home running yunohost 32bits.
I plan to move my ovh’s nextcloud to yunohost’s nextcloud
Is phpmyadmin installed, how may I access to it ?
I get permission denied when I attempt to replace my yunohost.app/nextcloud/data by my ovh/data. How may I fix the problem ?
This may be a quite complexe procedure if your OVH’s installation is using postgresql, because today, YunoHost’s Nextcloud is still on MySQL (it may change some day, but not today).
If your OVH installation is on MySQL, it may be easier.
- PHPmyadmin is not installed by default (as it could be a security risk). You can install it here : YunoHost app store | phpMyAdmin
- You’ll have to find the database access for the NextCloud’s base, you’ll find them in
- You’ll have the same permission denied here as you have when you try to copy files, that’s because the files are owned by a user called «nextcloud» and group «www-data», and nobody else have access (www-data can only read). So you’ll have to do things as root and then change the owner/rights.
The problem is that even if you follow all of this, things will not work as you intended, OVH and NextCloud have different default configuration, and YunoHost have an external user management.
So what I would do if I were you is to install a clean new NextCloud, create the users IN YUNOHOST, then manually copy the files, use the occ command to refresh the files : sudo -u nextcloud php8.2 --define apc.enable_cli=1 -d memory_limit=512M /var/www/nextcloud/occ files:scan --all
This should be enough for files, but for the applications, it will not work. You can try to import some data from mysql manually, but it is really risky.
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