[résolu] Serveur Nginx ne démarre plus

Mon serveur YunoHost

Matériel: Raspberry Pi (préciser version, de 0 à 4) à la maison / Brique Internet avec VPN / Autre carte ARM / …
Version de YunoHost:
repo: stable
repo: stable
version: 11.2.5
repo: stable
version: 11.2
repo: stable
version: 11.2

J’ai accès à mon serveur : En SSH
Êtes-vous dans un contexte particulier ou avez-vous effectué des modifications particulières sur votre instance ? : non

Description du problème


Suite au cron de renouvellement des certificats le serveur Nginx est en rade.

Something wrong happened when trying to open current certificate for domain nuage.thijuma.fr (file: /etc/yunohost/certs/domain.ctl/crt.pem), reason: [('PEM routines', 'get_name', 'no start line')]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/yunohost/certificate.py", line 641, in _get_status
    cert = crypto.load_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, open(cert_file).read())
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/OpenSSL/crypto.py", line 1951, in load_certificate
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/OpenSSL/_util.py", line 57, in exception_from_error_queue
    raise exception_type(errors)
OpenSSL.crypto.Error: [('PEM routines', 'get_name', 'no start line')]
run-parts: /etc/cron.daily/yunohost-certificate-renew exited with return code 1

unohost tools regen-conf -d -n

Warning: Something wrong happened when trying to open current certificate for domain nuage.thijuma.fr (file: /etc/yunohost/certs/nuage.thijuma.fr/crt.pem), reason: [('PEM routines', 'get_name', 'no start line')]
Error: Could not run script: /usr/share/yunohost/hooks/conf_regen/15-nginx

yunohost service status nginx

configuration: broken
  - nginx: [emerg] cannot load certificate "/etc/yunohost/certs/domain/crt.pem": PEM_read_bio_X509_AUX() failed (SSL: error:0909006C:PEM routines:get_name:no start line:Expecting: TRUSTED CERTIFICATE)
  - nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test failed
description: Serves or provides access to all the websites hosted on your server
last_state_change: 2024-04-26 10:04:32
start_on_boot: enabled
status: failed

yunohost diagnosis show --issues

    description: Internet connectivity
    id: ip
      status: ERROR
      summary: The server does not have working IPv4.
    description: Services status check
    id: services
      details: You can try to restart the service, and if it doesn't work, have a look at the service logs in the webadmin (from the command line, you can do this with 'yunohost service restart nginx' and 'yunohost service log nginx').
      status: ERROR
      summary: Service nginx is failed :(

Le problème vient visiblement d’un problème de connectivité car pas d’IP mais je ne sais pas comment le résoudre ? mon raspberry avait bien une ip fixe sur mon réseau local avant.

D’avance merci pour votre aide.

Solution trouvée :
Forcer un certificat auto-signé

yunohost domain cert-install domain.ctl --self-signed --force

Relance Nginx

yunohost service restart nginx

Récupération de l’interface web
Depuis l’interface demande certificat let’sencrypt

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