[résolu]Problème enregistrement dydns

My YunoHost server

Hardware: Old laptop or computer
YunoHost version:
I have access to my server : Through SSH | through the webadmin | direct access via keyboard / screen
Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : no

Description of my issue

L’enregistrement du nom de domaine à l’aide de Dyndns ne se fait pas visiblement a cause d’une erreur 500 sur le serveur distant.
J’ai deux types de log différentes qui sortent :

 admin@toto:~$ sudo yunohost dyndns subscribe -d toto.nohost.me --debug 

139 DEBUG loading actions map namespace ‘yunohost’
157 DEBUG extra parameter classes loaded: [‘comment’, ‘ask’, ‘password’, ‘required’, ‘pattern’]
158 DEBUG initializing base actions map parser for cli
159 DEBUG registering new callback action ‘yunohost.utils.packages.ynh_packages_version’ to [‘-v’, ‘–version’]
220 DEBUG lock has been acquired
276 DEBUG loading python module yunohost.dyndns took 0.056s
276 INFO processing action [2606.1]: yunohost.dyndns.subscribe with args={‘domain’: ‘toto.nohost.me’, ‘subscribe_host’: ‘dyndns.yunohost.org’, ‘key’: None}
277 DEBUG Checking if toto.nohost.me is managed by dyndns.yunohost.org
699 DEBUG Starting new HTTPS connection (1): dyndns.yunohost.org
829 DEBUG https://dyndns.yunohost.org:443 “GET /domains HTTP/1.1” 500 30
832 ERROR https://dyndns.yunohost.org/domains renvoie le code d’état 500
833 DEBUG action [2606.1] executed in 0.557s
834 DEBUG lock has been released
834 ERROR Impossible de vérifier si dyndns.yunohost.org peut fournir toto.nohost.me.

admin@toto:~$ sudo yunohost dyndns subscribe -d toto.nohost.me --debug
135 DEBUG loading actions map namespace ‘yunohost’
153 DEBUG extra parameter classes loaded: [‘comment’, ‘ask’, ‘password’, ‘required’, ‘pattern’]
153 DEBUG initializing base actions map parser for cli
154 DEBUG registering new callback action ‘yunohost.utils.packages.ynh_packages_version’ to [‘-v’, ‘–version’]
215 DEBUG lock has been acquired
267 DEBUG loading python module yunohost.dyndns took 0.052s
267 INFO processing action [2621.1]: yunohost.dyndns.subscribe with args={‘domain’: ‘toto.nohost.me’, ‘subscribe_host’: ‘dyndns.yunohost.org’, ‘key’: None}
268 DEBUG Checking if toto.nohost.me is managed by dyndns.yunohost.org
695 DEBUG Starting new HTTPS connection (1): dyndns.yunohost.org
805 DEBUG https://dyndns.yunohost.org:443 “GET /domains HTTP/1.1” 200 32
809 DEBUG Checking if domain toto.nohost.me is available on dyndns.yunohost.org
812 DEBUG Starting new HTTPS connection (1): dyndns.yunohost.org
931 DEBUG https://dyndns.yunohost.org:443 “GET /test/toto.nohost.me HTTP/1.1” 500 30
935 ERROR Failed to format translated string ‘corrupted_json’ with error: ‘error’
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/moulinette/core.py”, line 94, in translate
return self._translations[self.locale][key].encode(‘utf-8’).format(*args, **kwargs)
KeyError: ‘error’
935 INFO untranslated key ‘corrupted_json’ for locale ‘fr’
936 ERROR Failed to format translatable string ‘corrupted_json’ with error: ‘error’
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/moulinette/core.py”, line 104, in translate
return self._translations[self.default_locale][key].encode(‘utf-8’).format(*args, **kwargs)
KeyError: ‘error’
936 ERROR Fichier JSON corrompu en lecture depuis {ressource:s} (raison : {error:s})
936 DEBUG action [2621.1] executed in 0.669s
937 DEBUG lock has been released
937 ERROR Impossible de vérifier si toto.nohost.me est disponible chez dyndns.yunohost.org.

A part un souci sur le serveur d’enregistrement vous auriez une idée de ou investiguer pour résoudre le souci ?

J’ai le même problème, j’ai réinstallé plusieurs fois la distribution au cas ou mais pas mieux… pour info, mon yunohost est sur un serveur kimsufi, je sais pas si c’est pareil pour toi …

Non le mien est un ancien PC en cours de reconversion à la maison :slight_smile:

ça ressemble à un problème de serveur d’enregistrement …

J’en ai parlé sur l’IRC https://yunohost.org/#/help… et ca devrait être bon (j’ai pas eu le temps de réinstaller encore)

Oui c’est bon ca fonctionne merci :slight_smile: !

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