Matériel: RaspBerry PI 4B 8Go
Version de YunoHost: (stable). 64bits
J’ai accès à mon serveur : En SSH et par la webadmin
J’ai un problème… Dans RoundCube, j’ai le plugin CardDav qui ne synchronise plus les contacts depuis la migration 64bits…
Je me suis dit, peut-être faut faire une mise à jour…
Je suis donc allé sur:
Et j’ai fait un:
# sudo -u roundcube php composer.phar update --no-dev -o plugins/carddav
# sudo -u roundcube php composer.phar update --no-dev -o plugins/carddav
roundcube/plugin-installer contains a Composer plugin which is currently not in your allow-plugins config. See
Do you trust "roundcube/plugin-installer" to execute code and wish to enable it now? (writes "allow-plugins" to composer.json) [y,n,d,?] y
Loading composer repositories with package information
Package "plugins/carddav" listed for update is not locked. Info from #StandWithUkraine
Updating dependencies
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
Problem 1
- Root composer.json requires guzzlehttp/guzzle ^7.3.0, found guzzlehttp/guzzle[7.3.0, ..., 7.5.0] but the package is fixed to 6.5.8 (lock file version) by a partial update and that version does not match. Make sure you list it as an argument for the update command.
Use the option --with-all-dependencies (-W) to allow upgrades, downgrades and removals for packages currently locked to specific versions.
Running update with --no-dev does not mean require-dev is ignored, it just means the packages will not be installed. If dev requirements are blocking the update you have to resolve those problems.
Donc, pensez-vous qu’il faille faire une mise à jour ?
Si oui, comment ?
Je suppose que je suis pas le seul à utiliser CardDav…
Bonne soirée,
Et bonne fête,