[Résolu] Enlever logo Yunohost

Bonjour à tous,

Je voudrais savoir comment enlever le logo Yunohost sur le Custom Webapp.

Merci à tous d’avance.

Il faut éditer la configuration nginx qui se trouve dans /etc/nginx/conf.d/NOMDEDOMAINE.d/mywebapp.conf et enlever cette ligne

# Include SSOWAT user panel.
include conf.d/yunohost_panel.conf.inc;

A noter que de façon alternative, il est techniquement possible de remplacer le script qui charge le logo par un autre script (par exemple pour afficher un menu, ou quelques chose de plus discret, sur l’ensemble des apps.


Merci pour ta réponse rapide.

I tried this and when I attempted to restart nginx it hung and didn’t restart (from the webpanel) now I can no longer connect to my server (or any domains). The only file I edited was my wordpress.conf

It seems my xmpp is up and running still, so I assume I need to force start my ngnix server, what is the command for that?

I think by duplicating the file(backup copy) in the nginx folder it caused issues, I’ve removed the duplicates and restarting my system, hopefully that will fix it.

Fixed it! Warning to anyone trying this, when I left the duplicate copies as backups in the folder it caused all kinds of problems … don’t do this! Place your backups somewhere either than in the folder.

i can’t find mywebapp.conf in the DOMAINNAME.d folder.

does anyone know if it has been “moved” in one of the updates?

Please open a dedicated support thread instead of necroposting. :slight_smile:

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