Reset Yunohost after failed postinstall?

My YunoHost server

Hardware: Old laptop
YunoHost version: latest
I have access to my server : SSH/keyboard
Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : no
If yes, please explain:

Description of my issue

Greetings programs!

Using curl|bash installation on fresh Bullseye. CLI postinstall failed because the admin user I was attempting to create already existed in the system. Attempted to re-run postinstall but it failed because the DynDNS I was trying to use had already been registered. Cleared that up and tried again, and now I’m getting this:

2023-07-04 12:27:07,041 DEBUG    moulinette.interface __init__ - initializing base actions map parser for cli
2023-07-04 12:27:07,043 DEBUG    moulinette.actionsmap __init__ - loading actions map
2023-07-04 12:27:07,044 DEBUG    moulinette.actionsmap _construct_parser - building parser...
2023-07-04 12:27:07,056 DEBUG    moulinette.actionsmap _construct_parser - building parser took 0.012s
2023-07-04 12:27:07,198 DEBUG    asyncio (unknown function) - Using selector: EpollSelector
2023-07-04 12:27:29,161 DEBUG    moulinette.core acquire - acquiring lock...
2023-07-04 12:27:29,188 DEBUG    moulinette.core acquire - lock has been acquired
2023-07-04 12:27:29,223 DEBUG    moulinette.actionsmap process - loading python module took 0.034s
2023-07-04 12:27:29,223 DEBUG    moulinette.actionsmap process - processing action [78254.1]: with args={'domain': '', 'username': 'adminuser', 'fullname': 'Admin User', 'password': 'adminuserpass', 'ignore_dyndns': False, 'force_diskspace': False}
2023-07-04 12:27:29,451 DEBUG    yunohost.dyndns (unknown function) - [78254.1] Checking if domain is available on ...
2023-07-04 12:27:29,456 DEBUG    urllib3.connectionpool (unknown function) - Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
2023-07-04 12:27:30,161 DEBUG    urllib3.connectionpool (unknown function) - "GET /test/ HTTP/1.1" 200 None
2023-07-04 12:27:30,188 INFO (unknown function) - [78254.1] Installing YunoHost...
2023-07-04 12:27:30,337 DEBUG    yunohost.utils.ldap (unknown function) - initializing ldap interface
2023-07-04 12:27:30,339 INFO     yunohost.utils.ldap (unknown function) - attribute 'virtualdomain' with value '' is not unique
2023-07-04 12:27:30,342 INFO     yunohost.log (unknown function) - [78254.1] The operation 'Postinstall your YunoHost server' could not be completed. Please share the full log of this operation using the command 'yunohost log share' to get help
2023-07-04 12:27:30,355 DEBUG    moulinette.actionsmap process - action [78254.1] executed in 1.131s
2023-07-04 12:27:30,355 DEBUG    moulinette.core release - lock has been released
2023-07-04 12:27:30,355 ERROR    moulinette (unknown function) - The domain already exists

It seems some of the settings “took” on the initial postinstall but since the postinstall was never completed, the system is insisting I need to run it. I’m not sure how to fix this and restore the system to its initial state (other than reinstalling the OS, but I’d rather avoid that if possible).

Is there a procedure I can use? Will apt remove yunohost do it?

You can try curl | bash


That seems to have done the trick, thanks!

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