What type of hardware are you using: VPS bought online What YunoHost version are you running: 12.0. What app is this about: Actual Budget
Describe your issue
The Actual Budget app doesn’t support multi account. All the data is stored in a database which is protected by a password which isn’t managed with LDAP yet.
I setted up this database password when I installed the app but I now lost it and I don’t want to lose all my data. The app documentation explains how to reset it but I tried this command and it fails.
‘npm run reset-password’
Where can I find this ‘reset-password’ in the Yunohost tree ?
Share relevant logs or error messages
npm error code ENOENT
npm error syscall open
npm error path /package.json
npm error errno -2
npm error enoent Could not read package.json: Error: ENOENT: no suc
h file or directory, open ‘/package.json’
npm error enoent This is related to npm not being able to find a fi
npm error enoent
I found the folder where we have to execute the command ‘npm run reset-password’
It works here :
But now I have a new problem. First the command failed because the version of npn wich was used to compile the script was older than the one I had. I don’t have the logs anymore but it was written that I could use the command ‘npm rebuild’ so I tried it and then the script worked I was able to set a new password.
→ unfortunately now the app is broken. I have an error 502 when I try to connect to it…
And obviously my last backup is too old…
Thanks a lot for your help ! I sum up the instruction to reset the Actual Budget password :
Connect to your server terminal (through SSH)
enter the actual app shell : sudo yunohost app actual
then execut the password reset script : npm run reset-password
choose a new password
One interesting note : the actual budget database must be stored in another folder than the app itself. When i removed the app and restored the 1 month old automatic backup, i thought i would have lost 1 month of transactions logs. But it was completely up to date, the database wasn’t deleted when i removed the app.