Reset the password of the Actual Budget app

What type of hardware are you using: VPS bought online
What YunoHost version are you running: 12.0.
What app is this about: Actual Budget

Describe your issue

The Actual Budget app doesn’t support multi account. All the data is stored in a database which is protected by a password which isn’t managed with LDAP yet.

I setted up this database password when I installed the app but I now lost it and I don’t want to lose all my data. The app documentation explains how to reset it but I tried this command and it fails.
‘npm run reset-password’
Where can I find this ‘reset-password’ in the Yunohost tree ?

Share relevant logs or error messages

npm error code ENOENT
npm error syscall open
npm error path /package.json
npm error errno -2
npm error enoent Could not read package.json: Error: ENOENT: no suc
h file or directory, open ‘/package.json’
npm error enoent This is related to npm not being able to find a fi
npm error enoent

Update 21 December

I found the folder where we have to execute the command ‘npm run reset-password’
It works here :

But now I have a new problem. First the command failed because the version of npn wich was used to compile the script was older than the one I had. I don’t have the logs anymore but it was written that I could use the command ‘npm rebuild’ so I tried it and then the script worked I was able to set a new password.
→ unfortunately now the app is broken. I have an error 502 when I try to connect to it…
And obviously my last backup is too old…

Can someone help me !?

Try to run the command in your app environment. To do so, run sudo yunohost app shell __yourapp__

Thanks a lot for your help ! I sum up the instruction to reset the Actual Budget password :

  1. Connect to your server terminal (through SSH)
  2. enter the actual app shell : sudo yunohost app actual
  3. then execut the password reset script : npm run reset-password
  4. choose a new password

One interesting note : the actual budget database must be stored in another folder than the app itself. When i removed the app and restored the 1 month old automatic backup, i thought i would have lost 1 month of transactions logs. But it was completely up to date, the database wasn’t deleted when i removed the app.

The data is stored in /home/
When removing the app, unless you use the option --purge, the data path is preserved .

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