Rerouver mot de passe admin Baikal


Je vous sollicite car bêtement j’ai fait une faute en notant mon mot de passe admin pour l’application BAIKAL.

Question subsidiare je crois qu’on ne peut pas faire de calendrier partager avec serveur, c’est bien ça?

Merci d’avance de vos réponses


Un an après, j’ai eu le même problème, j’ai trouvé la solution ici :slight_smile:

Notamment la réponse suivante :

However for it to work I had to change the single quotation mark after the new password to a double quotation mark. The default auth-realm-string was “BaikalDAV”. So for future reference:
php -r 'echo md5("admin:BaikalDAV:your_new_password");'

Chez moi ça a fonctionné :slight_smile:




Merci de la réponse, j’ai finit par passer sur Nextcloud :slight_smile:

HI guys
I also lastly admin password for Bail within Yunohost.
can someone help me to recover, was able to do the trick above, but no clue in which folder I can find the config file to modify
please advise

The file is there: /var/www/baikal/Specific/config.php. The last line is the one you need to alter. :wink:

thanks a lot for the trick - very useful

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I just tried, restarted php-fpm, but it doesn’t works…

Hello back,

After some script reading, baikal now uses 256sha passwords.

echo -n admin:BaikalDAV:your_new_password| sha256sum | cut -d ' ' -f 1

Then replace the last line of /var/www/baikal/Specific/config.php with the new hash, same in /var/www/baikal/config/baikal.yaml and change the ynh config using yunohost app setting baikal password_hash -v your_new_hash

It worked without reloading any service.



That works form me Yunohost 11.2.5, baikal 0.9.3 :+1: :+1: