[Request] Test the new Mattermost package

Hi there,

A large refactor of the Mattermost package was recently merged into the testing branch. As we’re going to merge it to master soon, I think it would be a good idea to have some feedback first.

If you want to help us, you can install, restore or upgrade Mattermost using the GitHub - YunoHost-Apps/mattermost_ynh at testing branch.

Some interesting points to test:

  • Installing from the testing branch
  • Installing Mattermost on a Raspberry Pi (the ARM version is now supported on the testing branch \o/)
  • Upgrading from the current package version (on master) to the new one (on testing)
  • Restoring a backup made on master using the testing branch (turns out this is not possible)
  • Changing the installation URL

Thanks for your help!

  • Installing from the testing branch : :white_check_mark:
  • Installing Mattermost on a Raspberry Pi (the ARM version is now supported on the testing branch \o/) : :white_check_mark: on a RPi 4
  • Upgrading from the current package version (on master) to the new one (on testing): :question: Could not install current master branch on my VPS (installation failed due to service failure to start) :confused:
  • Restoring a backup made on master using the testing branch: :question: Hence, not tested.
  • Changing the installation URL: :white_check_mark:



I think it’s too late but however : I tested on my local x86 VM :slight_smile:
:white_check_mark: Upgrade from stable (although Version displayed in “about mattermost” menu is 5.31.6{PATCH} )
:white_check_mark: Changing just the /path OK
:white_check_mark: Changing the url OK

So : many many thanks for this packaging :hugs:

EDIT : bug found, in the webadmin panel :

“app_info_managelabel_desc” is empty, so the change_label operation cannot be done (too few arguments). I was able to use the CLI with app change-label, but a warning pops up : deprecated, please use “ynh user permission update”. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Is this where the change_label is located now ?

I’m in ynh / moulinette 4.1.4

EDIT2 : And the bug’s gone, once I changed the label via CLI, the button is OK and I can indeed change labels from webadmin.