Hello all
My internet provider doesn’t alter reverse DNS records, so I’m setting up a remote YH install to relay emails. Have you done this? If yes, any advice you can offer would be so welcome!
I’m working on implementing @tituspijean’s advice in this thread, to set up a remote YH VPS install for self-hosted email relay.
My YunoHost server
email YH instance: Remote VPS - Scaleway Stardust Server
main YH instance: Old computer - Mac Mini circa 2014 (running on VM via VirtualBox)
YunoHost version: 11.2.8
I have access to my server :
Through SSH
through the webadmin
direct access via keyboard / screen
Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : no
But… according to this post, setting up Yunohost behind a Fritzbox can be painful.
Description of my issue
What you are trying to achieve
I am setting up a YH install on a remote VPS solely to relay email to my locally hosted YH instance.
I am sorting out initial install diagnostic issues, and have hit some hurdles.
I am working on how to make the email YH instance to route emails for the main YH instance, using the main YH instance’s domain.
email YH | email.mydomain.tld <--- route emails only
main YH | mydomain.tld <--- does everything else
The context
I’m working on getting around an ISP (Internet Service Provider) limitation issue. Because my ISP doesn’t offer reverse DNS, I looked for other options. The Yunohost documentation states that third party SMTP relays are suboptimal. @tituspijean therefore offered the advice in this thread to set up a remote Yunohost install.
What I tried
Step a: set up new DNS A record on main YH domain (via my remote DNS service, Cloudflare): email.mydomain.tld
Step b: set up email YH instance using email.mydomain.tld as main domain
Step c: run diagnostics on email YH setup.
See a bunch of errors that suggest I need to duplicate all the DNS records for email.mydomain.tld that I already have set up for mydomain.tld.
My questions
Is it possible to make what I am doing work?
ie use a subdomain of one YH install as the main domain for another YH install
**Can I make the email YH route main YH emails? **
ie I want the emails to show as user@mydomain.tld not user@email.mydomain.tld
Does the email YH need a new domain (like a something.nohost.me, for example) to work?
What are the YH specific DNS DKIM and SPF keys or syntax for those keys?
The documentation and @tituspijean’s advice both mention these keys, but I can’t find further detail on how I would set them up correctly.
Is there a chance of successful email relay setup if I ignore the diagnostic warnings and just keep following @tituspijean’s steps?
Thanks for reading!
Please reply if you have hunches about how I can stop the hung process.