[REDIRECT_YNH] WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm issue

WWW Basic Authenticate fails with REDIRECT_YNH app

My YunoHost server

  • Hardware: Raspberry Pi at home /
  • YunoHost version:
  • I have access to my server : Through SSH and the webadmin
  • Particular tweaking ? yes: I setup mldonkey-server

Detail description

As a Yunohost user, I want to access to mldonkey webUI outside local network.
Access to mldonkey webUI is through http://localhost:4080/ is fine.
mldonkey webUI uses HTTP authentification (WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm issue)

So I install REDIRECT_YNH app
Setup is as follow:

  • domain: webui.mydomain.net
  • path: /
  • destination: http://localhost:4080
  • redirection type: proxy, invisible (ngnix proxy_pass), only accessible to allowed users
    mydomain.net is main domain of my YunoHost server
    webui is sub-domain (CNAME DNS + Let’encrypt created thought YunoHost admin panel)


I know and understand that mldonkey webUI is not a secure app.
Could you help and give me piece of advice to acces to mldonkey webUI outside local network (if possible with allowed yunohost user) ?

I think that’s a similar issue that https://github.com/YunoHost/issues/issues/1420

Basically Yunohost SSO with also inject HTTP auth header (though we should dig to really confirm that’s the same type of header than for the app you’re using) and might therefore conflict as long as the app ain’t integrated with the SSO…

Maybe a simple fix is to add a skipped_uris setting for the app…

Thanks Aleks :smiley:

I understood that in case of URL is public SSOWAT no acts (by passed).

So I remove REDIRECT_YNH app
Then add it again as follow:

I improved admin password of WebUI
:arrow_right: It’s a workaround and fine compromise

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