Re-create nginx .conf file

Hello Yunohost guys,
I’m quite a noob, and I inadventandly deleted a .conf file in /etc/nginx/conf.d
I told to myself, no problem, just delete and re-create yunohost domain…?
I appear that the script is smart enough to say
Warning: The configuration file '/etc/nginx/conf.d/████████████████.fr.conf' has been manually removed and will not be created

Damned. Do you know some magic trick to force it to recreate ?

Yes :slight_smile:

Try to do : yunohost service regen-conf nginx --dry-run -d

That will do a “dry-run” of the conf regen for nginx, i.e. showing you what it would do without actually doing it. (Maybe you need to add --force ? Not sure…)

If you are happy with this (e.g. check that it wouldn’t overwrite any other manual change you did in other nginx conf files ?), then do : yunohost service regen-conf nginx --force

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Also, check you Yunohost backups, they include this files.

(you can restore them or extract them from the archive located at /home/yunohost.backup/archive/)

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thanks a lot, I did not see that in the help, thank you very much !

Thanks a lot, regen-conf solved the problem, but next time I will have a look in /archive/ folder, thank you also very much.

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