Raspberry Pi 2b; Which Software will still Run?

Hello y’all.

I found a old Rbp 2b here and was thinking About running Yuno Host on it.

Will the Most Software Run on it or Won’t there BE much to Run on it because it is 32 Bit?

You should give it a chance !
What do you plan to use it for ?
I still use regularly a Raspberry Pi2B as a MPD based CD player, for example. Works like a charm, use case doesn’t need more CPU power or RAM. Same for a Raspberry ZeroW used as a NFC card reader (to launch playlists) for my kids.

Probably Nextcloud…?

What are the specs? The limiting factor will be RAM i think. If Debian 12 runs on the Pi, Yunohost will run. It may run slowly though.

Some interesting stuff here about Nextcloud plans to drop 32 bits. I don’t know whether they already dropped it or not, you’ll need to check.

I think these 2B still have great value, but more for side projects or small ioT stuff. I wouldn’t put it at the core of my self-hosting plans…

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It is still there.