Question about update to Sharkey

Hi guys.

First I wanted to thank @oufmilo for adding Sharkey to Yunohost. Since I updated YNH to 12, I installed it and so far the server is rock-solid, with no errors or hiccups.

Still I have a question: two days ago a new version of Sharkey 2024.9.1 was released and from what I can see YunoHost Bot on Github did not seem to create a new branch for that.

My question is, when can we expect a new update to arrive?

Thanks in advance!

Indeed, after YunoHost 12 release we temporarily disabled the autoupdater. It has been run again and a PR is now available.

Do not expect timelines from volunteers, please. :slight_smile: You are welcome to try out the PR opened by the bot to speed up the release.

Okay, that makes sense.

And of course I don’t expect any particular time frames. Sorry, I might have phrased it the wrong way. All’s good guys :blush: take as much time as you need.

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