[prosody] XMPP server for Yunohost 12

Prosody for YunoHost 12


An XMPP server App with the best compliance, in replacement of Metronome (kicked out from the core of Yunohost, starting with Yunohost 12).
While on Yunohost 11 and earlier versions, Metronome required a lot of manual configuration to get a passable server, this App aims at providing out of the box: LDAP integration, A/V calls, MUCs, filesharing, BOSH…

:warning: this App has a “beta” maturity, be carefull on production servers :warning:

Current status, see prosody_ynh/README.md at master · anubister/prosody_ynh · GitHub

Shipped version: 0.12.4

Documentation and resources

Edit: december 2024 : we are going to be the official app, new app updates will now come in GitHub - YunoHost-Apps/prosody_ynh at testing


Compatibility to be tested with “XMPP-Apps”:

Any feedback appreciated!
Missing other Yunohost Apps involving XMPP? Please comment to add them in this list!

As a maybe helpful or maybe confusing bit of memory: this used to be incompatible with Metronome because of Prosody, and apt excluded one or the other because they would use the same port in the default configuration. The plugin uses Prosody as stand-alone executable, without external traffic.

I am quite interested in migrating from Metronome to Prosody (after upgrading my YunoHost to 12).

One thing that concerns me is how smooth the migration would be …or rather how much of that would be automatic and how much manual.

I know it may be a silly newbie question, but for starters, would the XMPP user’s rosters migrate too, or would everyone need to somehow save and then re-add all their contacts?

I also have Biboumi (and am considering Slidge) set-up, so that migration is a concern for me too.


Hi, I will post here as it has a good title :smiley:

I’ve now migrated one server to YNH12 in which I was using one xmpp account from metronome; and so far I have had no big issues, but Metronome service was uninstalled (not just disabled) so I’ve installed prosody-ynh package.

It was weird to me that it got installed reporting no issues but there’s no config panel in webadmin and I was not asked what domain to use or config for this service.

Anyway I’ve tried to connect my clients using default domain (main domain) of the server but any of the clients could connect.

So my question is: How to configure Prosody?

  • There are no errors in the .log and .err (/var/log/prosody/)
  • I’ve searched in the forum for instructions
  • I’ve added prosody to “all users” group in webadmin
  • README.md has no details

I will now try to review config files but I don’t think it’s a good idea having to manually edit config files.

Thank you.


Hello ghose,
the official package (GitHub - YunoHost-Apps/prosody_ynh: Prosody package for YunoHost) installs prosody but you have to manually configure everything, as you would do on a server without Yunohost :slight_smile:
Pitchum and myself are working on a new package to provide already all expected features (A/V calls, groups, file upload…) out of the box : you can check the readme here GitHub - anubister/prosody_ynh: Prosody package for YunoHost and have a try, it is basically working! Feel free to ask for support on our XMPP chat if needed!
Feedbacks are welcomed!


oh! thank you.

I will try :wink:

I’ve not migrated yet to Yuno12, and I have a question about the config also: the readme from Anubister’s package mentions data migration from Metronome from Yuno11.

Do you have to install it before or after migrating to Yuno12?

You have first to migrate to yunohost 12, which should manage the migration to the metronome app.
Afterwards, we will manage the migration from metronome app to prosody app (not yet mature).
I don’t know how far we will go in the migration management, but the roster and bookmarks are easy, if you are intrepid you just have to copy the 2 files from metronome data dir to prosody data dir : Provide migration script from metronome · Issue #9 · anubister/prosody_ynh · GitHub


In my case, metronome was removed after upgrade and I do need XMPP. What is recommended at the moment? Should I install metronome or prosody?

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Prosody works much better, try the version from anubis. You will love it.


Just migrated to Yunohost 12 and installed the testing branch of Prosody app by Anubis and it seems to work fine. Thank you :heart: @anubis

I had to first rmdir /home/yunohost.app/metronome (yes, it was an empty folder) though.

It’s early days, but the only issue I ran into so far is that I cannot install Biboumi, as its YNH installer is hard-coded to depend on Metronome: