[Prometheus] Monitoring system and time series database

Prometheus for YunoHost

Integration level
Install Prometheus with YunoHost

image Version française dans le message suivant.

This package allows you to install Prometheus quickly and simply on a YunoHost server.
If you don’t have YunoHost, please consult the guide to learn how to install it.


Monitoring system and time series database

Shipped version: 2.28.0~ynh1

Demo: https://demo.do.prometheus.io

Disclaimers / important information

  • Port assigned to the app can be read in /etc/yunohost/apps/prometheus/settings.yml
    or within CLI with yunohost app info prometheus --full
  • The app is configurable within the file /opt/yunohost/prometheus/prometheus.yml, then reboot the app service.

Documentation and resources

Developer info

Please send your pull request to the testing branch.

To try the testing branch, please proceed like that.

sudo yunohost app install https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/prometheus_ynh/tree/testing --debug
sudo yunohost app upgrade prometheus -u https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/prometheus_ynh/tree/testing --debug

More info regarding app packaging: Introduction to packaging | Yunohost Documentation


Prometheus pour YunoHost

Niveau d'intégration
Installer Prometheus avec YunoHost

Read this readme in english.
Lire ce readme en français.

Ce package vous permet d’installer Prometheus rapidement et simplement sur un serveur YunoHost.
Si vous n’avez pas YunoHost, regardez ici pour savoir comment l’installer et en profiter.

Vue d’ensemble

Supervision chronologique de systèmes et services

Version incluse : 2.28.0~ynh1

Démo : https://demo.do.prometheus.io

Avertissements / informations importantes

  • Le port assigné à l’app est consultable dans /etc/yunohost/apps/prometheus/settings.yml
    ou avec la commande yunohost app info prometheus --full
  • L’app est configurable dans le fichier /opt/yunohost/prometheus/prometheus.yml,
    ensuite redémarrez le service de l’app.

Documentations et ressources

Informations pour les développeurs

Merci de faire vos pull request sur la branche testing.

Pour essayer la branche testing, procédez comme suit.

sudo yunohost app install https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/prometheus_ynh/tree/testing --debug
sudo yunohost app upgrade prometheus -u https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/prometheus_ynh/tree/testing --debug

Plus d’infos sur le packaging d’applications : Introduction to packaging | Yunohost Documentation


Thanks for this packaged Prometheus for YunoHost!
I was wondering, why did you choose to change the default port to 9091? Do you know if there is a way to revert this change to 9090?

I did not: prometheus_ynh/install at 77a9075ec9d5b935e1825f95aef56bb4a5e959d6 · YunoHost-Apps/prometheus_ynh · GitHub

What most likely happened is that your server was already using port 9090, so the helper mentioned above found the next available port, 9091.

Okay that’s quite weird. I was surprised myself when I saw that. Thanks for your answer :wink: