Problem while installing nextcloud

Version française plus bas.

My YunoHost configuration

**Hardware:**raspberry pi
Internet access: ethernet at home
YunoHost version: last one

Description of my problem en

While trying to install Nextcloud, I got an error and everything is removed. Can’t find any logs so I need help :confused: You’ll find what I could get at the end of the ticket.
I tried to install it with chrome browser.

description du problème fr

J’ai essayé d’installé nextcloud sans succès sans trouver de log intelligible. La seule chose que j’ai réussi a récupérer c’est ce qui est afficher a l’écran. J’ai essayé de l’installer par google chrome
Merci d’avance pour l’aide

Log Displayed

removing database nextcloud


nextcloud’s script has encountered an error. Its execution was cancelled.


Unable to install Nextcloud

2018-12-19 23:47:15 URL:********** [44769940/44769940] -> “app.tar.bz2” [1]

dpkg-preconfigure: unable to re-open stdin:

debconf: falling back to frontend: Teletype

debconf: (This frontend requires a controlling tty.)

debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Readline

debconf: falling back to frontend: Readline

debconf: (Dialog frontend will not work on a dumb terminal, an emacs shell buffer, or without a controlling terminal.)

debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Dialog

Finally I found that logs (find it at the end) I don’t understand how can’t it write in it as rights are ok, and there is enough space.
Finalement j’ai trouvé ces logs . Je ne comprends cependant pas pourquoi il n’arrive pas a écrire dedans vu que les droits semble ok et qu’il y a suffisament de place.

Thank you!
Merci d’avance

##logs :

941 DEBUG + sudo -u nextcloud php occ --no-interaction --no-ansi maintenance:install --database mysql --database-name nextcloud --database-user nextcloud --database-pass l5cUzoe8Uem5VTtThWCdypLk --admin-user admin --admin-pass svHYXU --data-dir /home/
218949 DEBUG Nextcloud is not installed - only a limited number of commands are available
219272 DEBUG Can’t create or write into the data directory /home/
219375 DEBUG + ynh_die ‘Unable to install Nextcloud’
219377 WARNING Unable to install Nextcloud
219379 DEBUG + echo ‘Unable to install Nextcloud’
219381 WARNING !!
219383 DEBUG + exit 1
219384 WARNING nextcloud’s script has encountered an error. Its execution was cancelled.
219386 DEBUG + ynh_exit_properly
219388 WARNING !!
219390 DEBUG + local exit_code=1
219391 WARNING

yeah, even iam facing exactly the same issue… tried multiple times, but same error…

Hmm, very weird… what umask returns, when executed as root?

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When you say the rights are ok, can you execute: sudo -u nextcloud touch /home/ ?

I can’t do -u nextcloud as the installation fail the installation script remove the user.

Got a similar problem, it turns out I had to manually install php7.0-zip (installer seems to check for php-zip, which doesn’t work)

As a sidenote, I noticed the /home/ directory is not removed when the installation first fails, with owner/group set to 996 (in my case).
If another user is created after the first failed nextcloud install, the next attempts might fail: nextcloud user would get a different UID, hence not being able to write to its directory anymore.

(EDIT: this occurred on a dedicated server running Debian Stretch)

didn’t work for me :confused:
I reinstall all my yunohost and the error is different this time.

Happy new year! :slight_smile:

Could you try changing the permissions of the data directory, as states line 11 of your log ?