Problem updating packages - "Processing triggers for php8.3-fpm"

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Hi all,

and thanks for working on this wonderful system!

I can’t update the Debian packages on my server. It must be some sort of package inconsistency, but now it seems stuck for good.

If I try to do an apt update&& apt upgrade (as root) the update works fine, but the upgrade always stops when configuring the package php8.3-fpm.

If I try to remove it using dpkg, it informs me I must first do a dpkg --configure -a.

However, that command always gets stuck on these lines:

Setting up php8.3-fpm (8.3.13-1+0~20241030.44+debian11~1.gbpaaf4dc) ...

Processing triggers for php8.3-fpm (8.3.13-1+0~20241030.44+debian11~1.gbpaaf4dc) ...

Has anyone experienced this and know how to get past it?

Share relevant logs or error messages

These are the last lines of /var/log/dpkg.log:

2024-11-19 14:25:52 configure php8.3-fpm:amd64 8.3.13-1+0~20241030.44+debian11~1.gbpaaf4dc
2024-11-19 14:25:52 status half-configured php8.3-fpm:amd64 8.3.13-1+0~20241030.44+debian11~1.gbpaaf4dc
2024-11-19 14:52:17 startup packages configure
2024-11-19 14:52:17 configure php8.3-fpm:amd64 8.3.13-1+0~20241030.44+debian11~1.gbpaaf4dc
2024-11-19 14:52:17 status half-configured php8.3-fpm:amd64 8.3.13-1+0~20241030.44+debian11~1.gbpaaf4dc
2024-11-19 18:17:15 status installed php8.3-fpm:amd64 8.3.13-1+0~20241030.44+debian11~1.gbpaaf4dc
2024-11-19 18:22:15 status triggers-pending php8.3-fpm:amd64 8.3.13-1+0~20241030.44+debian11~1.gbpaaf4dc
2024-11-19 18:30:35 trigproc php8.3-fpm:amd64 8.3.13-1+0~20241030.44+debian11~1.gbpaaf4dc
2024-11-19 18:30:35 status half-configured php8.3-fpm:amd64 8.3.13-1+0~20241030.44+debian11~1.gbpaaf4dc
2024-11-19 18:36:13 status installed php8.3-fpm:amd64 8.3.13-1+0~20241030.44+debian11~1.gbpaaf4dc

Hold your horses, this post may have had a “rubber duck” effect - it seems dpkg --configure -a finally terminated, and I can now do apt --fix-broken install. I’ll close this issue if I arrive at the other side.

It’s just that this process specifically of upgrading / configuring the PHP packages is taking veeeeery long time.


  1. they are humongously huge so we should expect an apt upgrade to take hours, or
  2. there’s some issue with the package setup anyway, or
  3. I have a disk issue which is making this take longer than expected.

I don’t know about the last item, but I should probably do an fsck on the disk afterwards.

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