Prestashop: Unable to complete install due to "PHP's config "memory_limit" must be to a minimum of 256M"

What type of hardware are you using: Old laptop or computer
What YunoHost version are you running: (stable)
What app is this about: prestashop

Describe your issue

I am unable to complete the post install process which does a system compatibility test due to

“PHP’s config “memory_limit” must be to a minimum of 256M”

I have seen another post where they’ve modified the php file and it resolved the issue. I’ve done the same, rebooted the system, and even restarted php 8.1 but this error persists

Share relevant logs or error messages

I don’t have any errors to include since the post install dialogue, part of prestashop is not complete and even when I refresh it doesn’t seem to allow me to.

it seems the link I left doesn’t include the comment I intended, here it is:

"Okay I solved the issues thanks to you. I read the update echo’s that the command you provided here this cought my eye:


I edited that and:
php_admin_value[memory_limit] = 512M
changed this from 128M.
and reboot.
I believe since I’m in the installiation process it thinks that I am admin (obviously :slight_smile: ) so this fixed the issue."

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