My YunoHost server
Hardware: VPS bought online (
YunoHost version: 11.2.19
I have access to my server : Through SSH | through the webadmin | direct access via keyboard / screen
Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : no
Description of my issue
Image description: a banner on my Yunohost Dashboard reading Пожалуйста, войдите. I do not speak Russian, can barely read cyrillic script and the browser languages are in that order German, English, French.
Every once in a while, I am greeted by this cryptic cyrillic message on my dashboard. Since I had googled it before and found this thread, I tried to analyse the element as
shown in the picture. Unfortunately, when I tried to record the network traffic as suggested in the linked forum post, I refreshed the site and was prompted with a log in screen. Logging in again did not cause the banner to show up. I assume (since Chrome didn’t record any traffic at all in the developer tools) that when viewing this site and getting this message I was viewing a cached version of it.
That would also explain the message’s meaning: “Please log in”.
There doesn’t seem to be anything else wrong with the instance. However, if none of the source code of yunohost includes this message I’m a bit worried.