Postfix and spam problem - "warning: connect to Milter service unix:/run/rmilter/rmilter.sock: Permission denied"

Hi all!

After a reboot of my yunohost instance, I started to have spam in my mailbox again.

In the postfix logs, I have the message:

warning: connect to Milter service unix:/run/rmilter/rmilter.sock: Permission denied.

If I’m correct, this corresponds to the file /var/spool/postfix/run/rmilter/rmilter.sock, since postfix is chrooted and only looks in /var/spool/postfix

Last time I had this issue (this is not the first time), I simply did chmod go+rw /var/spool/postfix/run/rmilter/rmilter.sock, but this time it does not seem to be enough for some reason.

Any idea?