Port reachable though not enabled in firewall


I’m not sure to understand how Yunohost firewall works exactly.

I’ve installed (by hand, not application) portainer, and surprisingly I can access it on port 9000

admin@fuu:~$ sudo yunohost firewall list
  - 22
  - 25
  - 53
  - 80
  - 443
  - 587
  - 993
  - 995
  - 5222
  - 5269
  - 5353
admin@fuu:~$ nc -zv 9000
Connection to 9000 port [tcp/*] succeeded!
admin@fuu:~$ ss -tunlp |grep :9000
tcp    LISTEN     2      128      :::9000                 :::*

Any idea why 9000 port is reachable?

Ok it’s Docker who is messing with iptables, I have to add an option so it doesn’t add rules.


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