Pop3 protocol activation

There are still some steps that are missing :

I have to modified /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf to add

protocols = imap sieve pop3s pop3
protocol pop3 { 
        login_executable = /usr/lib/dovecot/pop3-login
        mail_executable = /usr/lib/dovecot/pop3

give me :

dovecot: config: Warning: Obsolete setting in /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf:11: ‘pop3s’ protocol is no longer necessary, remove it
dovecot: config: Warning: Obsolete setting in /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf:95: login_executable has been replaced by service { executable }
dovecot: config: Warning: Obsolete setting in /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf:96: mail_executable has been replaced by service { executable }

so I change to

protocols = imap sieve pop3
protocol pop3 { 
        mail_plugins = $mail_plugins antispam

(plugin are probably usefull)

and open port 995 (no need for port 110)
# yunohost firewall allow TCP 995

(get it from here : How to enable pop3 in YunoHost?)

Then restart again the service

Now, I can configure thunderbird to use pop3 but, I don’t receive my mail.
And I can see this error in the log :

service(pop3-login): Fatal: execv(/usr/lib/dovecot/pop3-login) failed: Permission denied

I found something on this page : Problème Pop3 Dovecot - Support Debian - debian-fr.org

This is strange, I had to reinstall the packet dovecot-pop3d

sudo apt-get install dovecot-pop3d

And now it’s working (no need to restart the dovecot service)
I can receive my mail in thunderbird with pop3 protocol.

Now I can play with ListMonk, but this is another story.