I was able to install Fedora without troubles on YuNoHost, however now it’s running I encounter several problems that look related to writing rights (I think) ?
When I try to access the emoji panel of the settings I get this error: Request failed with status code 500 - Failed to create the emoji pack directory at /var/lib/pleroma/static/emoji: enoent
When I want to edit the Code of Conduct in Settings > Other, I get this one (which also appears in Frontend and Instance settings when trying to modify some settings): Request failed with status code 400 - mkdir_p
Anyone knows how I could perhaps increase writings rights of Pleroma?
The Pleroma package for Yunohost is bugged it fails to create several directories and files and is really behind in terms of versions. Ended up creating an up to date one with Docker that worked. Without several updates to this packages I wouldn’t recommend it