[Pleroma] Installing frontend soapbox-fe

My YunoHost server

hardware: VPS debian 10
yunohost: 4.2.8
pleroma: 2.4.0~ynh1
soapbox-fe: 1.3.0

After installing pleroma I also had upload issues that I resolved with this solution from @lnoferin last year :

which was changing /etc/pleroma/config.exs directories from:

config :pleroma, :instance, static_dir: "/home/yunohost.app/pleroma/static"
config :pleroma, Pleroma.Uploaders.Local, uploads: "/home/yunohost.app/pleroma/uploads"

to this

config :pleroma, :instance, static_dir: "/var/www/pleroma/instance/static"
config :pleroma, Pleroma.Uploaders.Local, uploads: "/var/www/pleroma/instance/uploads"


Trying to install soapbox-fe frontend and was also not working after doing these two commands from soapbox-fe docs

curl -L https://gitlab.com/soapbox-pub/soapbox-fe/-/jobs/artifacts/v1.3.0/download?job=build-production -o soapbox-fe.zip
busybox unzip soapbox-fe.zip -o -d /home/yunohost.app/pleroma/

tried updating the destination to the following and

curl -L https://gitlab.com/soapbox-pub/soapbox-fe/-/jobs/artifacts/v1.3.0/download?job=build-production -o soapbox-fe.zip
busybox unzip soapbox-fe.zip -o -d /var/www/pleroma/instance/
cd /var/www/pleroma/instance
chown -R pleroma:pleroma /static

Has anyone ran into this issue? is anyone still having upload issues with the latest yunohost and pleroma? This issue was addressed in this closed issue Unable to upload file · Issue #110 · YunoHost-Apps/pleroma_ynh · GitHub

pleroma_ctl way

pleroma_ctl docs say soapbox-fe is an available frontend that i can install via

root@yunohost:/var/www/pleroma/pleroma/bin# ./pleroma_ctl frontend install soapbox-fe

15:16:50.749 [info]  Downloading pre-built bundle for soapbox-fe
** (File.Error) could not make directory (with -p) "/var/lib/pleroma/static/frontends/tmp": no such file or directory
    (elixir 1.10.3) lib/file.ex:314: File.mkdir_p!/1
    lib/pleroma/frontend.ex:74: Pleroma.Frontend.unzip/2
    lib/pleroma/frontend.ex:37: Pleroma.Frontend.install/2
    (stdlib 3.12.1) erl_eval.erl:680: :erl_eval.do_apply/6
    (elixir 1.10.3) lib/code.ex:341: Code.eval_string_with_error_handling/3

but I get no directory error and not sure if this will work because its outside of what yunohost expects

@yalh76 is there path variables that should be created in Admin FE on installation via yunohost to allow installing frontends from within Admin FE? replacing /var/lib/pleroma/ with /home/yunohost.app/pleroma ?

@hieronymousch what do your config.exs paths and folder permissions look like?

-r-------- 1 pleroma pleroma 3151 May 27 10:20 /etc/pleroma/config.exs

I believe the culprit is Admin FE

After yunohost installing a fresh pleroma (2.4.0~ynh1) and installing soapbox-fe to busybox unzip soapbox-fe.zip -o -d /home/yunohost.app/pleroma/, everything worked including uploads right out of the box.

As soon as I opened admin fe for the first time, it instantly broke the soapbox-fe frontend and made pleroma revert to the default frontend.

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