Planing on moving to another server soon

Whats the best way to back up a yonohost account to move to another server. I’m planing on moving soon. I know how to do cpanel / plesk etc just new to this panel and dont want to screw it up !

Your question is too generic. Give some more information on your actual and future installation, used apps, etc.

Just wanting to back up yonohost on my server i have at the moment and then move it to another server and deploy it on that server with my backup so i dont loose anything :slight_smile: I would just be using the apps i use on yunohost.

Step 1: read very carefully the documentation: Backups | Yunohost Documentation

Step 2: backup localy your data from the old server.

Step 3: install YNH on the new server.

Step 4: restore apps and data from your backup archives on new server.


Hi @digitalsc4rz , welcome to the forums!

In addition to @aris excellent 4-step approach: you can repeat step 4 multiple times of course even if you make a mistake. It will only go ‘live’ once you switch DNS from the IP of your old server to the IP of the new server.

You may be familiar with the /etc/hosts file on your computer. I tend to enter the IP/domain combination(s) of the new server there, so that I can test everything works before changing DNS.

Take in account the time that passes between making the backups and taking the new server live: any mails that have arrived on the old server in those days of course won’t be available on the new server.

Some workarounds for that; either:

  • first do a dry run to get familiar with the procedures, then make a new backup and work through everything very fast; or
  • turn of the old server / take it offline after making the backups and transferring them; or
  • run rsync on specific directories to sync the data

As there usually are multiple solutions to everything, someone else may give additional options.

Good luck!


Thanks all

I have lenny installed on my domain, How do you turn of the login page for visitors and members , I want it so when people go to the domain they see my webpage and not login, Cant find a way to turn it off in admin, it works me, just not visitors .

Did the migration work out?

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Went okay thanks and will do.

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