Php8.3-fpm has been broken after the unsuccessful attempt of uninstalling Snappymail

What type of hardware are you using: Old laptop or computer
What YunoHost version are you running: 12.0.6
What app is this about: Snappymail

Describe your issue

Hi everyone, hope you’re all doing well.
I am a home server noob. This struggle has started when Iwas trying to setup an email smtp relay cause my ISP is blocking the port 25. I’ve updated the DNS records as per the Mailjet’s instructions and entered my credentials into the SMTP relay settings section of Yunohost admin page. Then Yunohost configured it successfully.

Then I tried to send an email using Snappymail app with no avail. So I made some SMTP setup on the admin page of Snappymail using my Mailjet information and tried sending an email; again failed. After the last configuration on Snappymail, its admin page became unavailable. So I decided to reinstall Snappymail and uninstalled it in Yunohost admin. But the uninstallation ended up with failure. So I will attach uninstallation log link.

After that I’ve rebootted the machine and I saw that all the apps that was using the php8.3-fpm became unavailable with the following error message on their page:

502 Bad Gateway
If you see this page, your connection with the server is working but the internal service providing this path is not responding.

Administrator, make sure that the service is running, and check its logs if it is not. The Services page is in your webadmin, under Tools > Services.

Thank you for using YunoHost.

Then I saw that php8.3-fpm service was failing to start. When I checked the service status I’ve got the following output:

$ systemctl status php8.3-fpm
× php8.3-fpm.service - The PHP 8.3 FastCGI Process Manager
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/php8.3-fpm.service; enabled; preset: enabled)
Drop-In: /etc/systemd/system/php8.3-fpm.service.d
Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Wed 2024-11-13 23:12:25 +03; 1h 6min ago
Duration: 103ms
Docs: man:php-fpm8.3(8)
Process: 17589 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/php-fpm8.3 --nodaemonize --fpm-config /etc/php/8.3/fpm/php-fpm.conf (code=exited, status=78)
Process: 17600 ExecStartPost=/usr/lib/php/php-fpm-socket-helper install /run/php/php-fpm.sock /etc/php/8.3/fpm/pool.d/www.conf 83 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Process: 17657 ExecStopPost=/usr/lib/php/php-fpm-socket-helper remove /run/php/php-fpm.sock /etc/php/8.3/fpm/pool.d/www.conf 83 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 17589 (code=exited, status=78)
CPU: 106ms

Nov 13 23:12:25 systemd[1]: Failed to start php8.3-fpm.service - The PHP 8.3 FastCGI Process Manager.
Nov 13 23:12:26 systemd[1]: php8.3-fpm.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
Nov 13 23:12:26 systemd[1]: php8.3-fpm.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Nov 13 23:12:26 systemd[1]: Failed to start php8.3-fpm.service - The PHP 8.3 FastCGI Process Manager.
Nov 13 23:12:27 systemd[1]: php8.3-fpm.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
Nov 13 23:12:27 systemd[1]: php8.3-fpm.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Nov 13 23:12:27 systemd[1]: Failed to start php8.3-fpm.service - The PHP 8.3 FastCGI Process Manager.
Nov 13 23:12:32 systemd[1]: php8.3-fpm.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
Nov 13 23:12:32 systemd[1]: php8.3-fpm.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Nov 13 23:12:32 systemd[1]: Failed to start php8.3-fpm.service - The PHP 8.3 FastCGI Process Manager.

Also when I checked the journalctl I’ve got the following output (identical outputs are omitted):

Nov 12 13:36:12 systemd[1]: Started php8.3-fpm.service - The PHP 8.3 FastCGI Process Manager.
Nov 12 13:36:12 php-fpm8.3[10824]: [12-Nov-2024 13:36:12] ALERT: [pool snappymail] user has not been defined
Nov 12 13:36:12 php-fpm8.3[10824]: [12-Nov-2024 13:36:12] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
Nov 12 13:36:12 php-fpm8.3[10824]: [12-Nov-2024 13:36:12] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
Nov 12 13:36:12 systemd[1]: php8.3-fpm.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=78/CONFIG
Nov 12 13:36:12 systemd[1]: php8.3-fpm.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Nov 12 13:36:12 systemd[1]: php8.3-fpm.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 1.
Nov 12 13:36:12 systemd[1]: Stopped php8.3-fpm.service - The PHP 8.3 FastCGI Process Manager.
Nov 12 13:36:12 systemd[1]: Starting php8.3-fpm.service - The PHP 8.3 FastCGI Process Manager...
Nov 12 13:36:12 systemd[1]: Started php8.3-fpm.service - The PHP 8.3 FastCGI Process Manager.
Nov 12 13:36:12 systemd[1]: Stopping php8.3-fpm.service - The PHP 8.3 FastCGI Process Manager...
Nov 12 13:36:12 systemd[1]: php8.3-fpm.service: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 12 13:36:12 systemd[1]: Stopped php8.3-fpm.service - The PHP 8.3 FastCGI Process Manager.
Nov 12 13:36:12 systemd[1]: Starting php8.3-fpm.service - The PHP 8.3 FastCGI Process Manager...
Nov 12 13:36:13 systemd[1]: Started php8.3-fpm.service - The PHP 8.3 FastCGI Process Manager.
Nov 12 13:36:13 php-fpm8.3[10845]: [12-Nov-2024 13:36:13] ALERT: [pool snappymail] user has not been defined
Nov 12 13:36:13 php-fpm8.3[10845]: [12-Nov-2024 13:36:13] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
Nov 12 13:36:13 php-fpm8.3[10845]: [12-Nov-2024 13:36:13] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
Nov 12 13:36:13 systemd[1]: php8.3-fpm.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=78/CONFIG
Nov 12 13:36:13 systemd[1]: php8.3-fpm.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Nov 12 13:36:13 systemd[1]: php8.3-fpm.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 1.
Nov 12 13:36:13 systemd[1]: Stopped php8.3-fpm.service - The PHP 8.3 FastCGI Process Manager.
Nov 12 13:36:13 systemd[1]: Starting php8.3-fpm.service - The PHP 8.3 FastCGI Process Manager...
Nov 12 13:36:13 systemd[1]: Started php8.3-fpm.service - The PHP 8.3 FastCGI Process Manager.
Nov 12 13:36:13 php-fpm8.3[10858]: [12-Nov-2024 13:36:13] ALERT: [pool snappymail] user has not been defined
Nov 12 13:36:13 php-fpm8.3[10858]: [12-Nov-2024 13:36:13] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
Nov 12 13:36:13 php-fpm8.3[10858]: [12-Nov-2024 13:36:13] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
Nov 12 13:36:13 systemd[1]: php8.3-fpm.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=78/CONFIG
Nov 12 13:36:13 systemd[1]: php8.3-fpm.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Nov 12 13:36:13 systemd[1]: php8.3-fpm.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 2.
Nov 12 13:36:13 systemd[1]: Stopped php8.3-fpm.service - The PHP 8.3 FastCGI Process Manager.
Nov 12 13:36:13 systemd[1]: Starting php8.3-fpm.service - The PHP 8.3 FastCGI Process Manager...
Nov 12 13:36:13 systemd[1]: Started php8.3-fpm.service - The PHP 8.3 FastCGI Process Manager.
Nov 12 13:36:13 php-fpm8.3[10866]: [12-Nov-2024 13:36:13] ALERT: [pool snappymail] user has not been defined
Nov 12 13:36:13 php-fpm8.3[10866]: [12-Nov-2024 13:36:13] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
Nov 12 13:36:13 php-fpm8.3[10866]: [12-Nov-2024 13:36:13] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
Nov 12 13:36:13 systemd[1]: php8.3-fpm.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=78/CONFIG
Nov 12 13:36:13 systemd[1]: php8.3-fpm.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Nov 12 13:36:13 systemd[1]: php8.3-fpm.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 3.
Nov 12 13:36:13 systemd[1]: Stopped php8.3-fpm.service - The PHP 8.3 FastCGI Process Manager.
Nov 12 13:36:13 systemd[1]: php8.3-fpm.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
Nov 12 13:36:13 systemd[1]: php8.3-fpm.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Nov 12 13:36:13 systemd[1]: Failed to start php8.3-fpm.service - The PHP 8.3 FastCGI Process Manager.
Nov 12 13:36:55 systemd[1]: Starting php8.3-fpm.service - The PHP 8.3 FastCGI Process Manager...
Nov 12 13:36:55 systemd[1]: Started php8.3-fpm.service - The PHP 8.3 FastCGI Process Manager.

The line that contains ALERT: [pool snappymail] gives me a tip that it is something to do with unsuccessfully unisntalled snappy mail. But when I check the pool.d directory I don’t see any configuration file related to snappymail:

$ ls /etc/php/8.3/fpm/pool.d
fail2ban-web.conf  grocy.conf          kanboard.conf  monitorix_status.conf  www.conf
firefly-iii.conf   invoiceninja5.conf  matomo.conf    nextcloud.conf

I’ve been checking the similar issues to see and apply a workaround to make it start but no avail. Now I can’t access the following applications: kanboard, nextcloud, fail2ban-web, firefly etc.

Also, I cant install any application that needs to make use of php8.3-fpm because the service is not running. Is there a way to fix the php8.3-fpm service to get it running again?

PS: I did my best to provide all data that might be needed. Please kindly let me know if I should provide further information.

Kind regards and thank you in advance.

Share relevant logs or error messages

Unsuccessful Snappymail Uninstallation Log

The Log for Reinstallation attempt of Snappymail

Welcome !

Can you check in the 8.3 directory ?

Hey @tituspijean, thank you for your response. I’ve updated the directory content with the correct output.

I was exploring the 8.2 directory to see if there is something to compare. I copied the output of 8.2 instead of 8.3.

It is a bit sad not getting help or even ideas from the community. Anyways, I’ve scanned the internet for similar php-fpm problems in many forums including stackoverflow for days. But none fixed the problem. Php8.3-fpm service was still refusing to start with the same error even though there was nothing left from Snappymail installation.

I also tried to do a clean reinstall of php8.3-fpm but no avail.

I did not want to install the server from zero either. So looking at the log files deeply, I see that there was some configuration in somewhere that did not permit the php-fpm service to start. I did not delete any *.conf file that resides inside /etc/php/8.3/fpm/pool.d manually. Then I’ve got the idea of removing all the applications that have *.conf files in the /etc/php/8.3/fpm/pool.d one by one so that yunohost remove all files appropriately. So I did patiently. After removing all relevant apps I rebooted the server and I finally got the php8.3-fpm service up and running again.

So the solution for this case, not a convenient way though, was removing all applications that were depending on the php8.3-fpm service.

I reinstalled Nextcloud to see if it will work, yes it is working. I think to others will as well.

Hope this help others.

PS: Please let us know, if there is a more handy way to fix this problem without having to remove all apps.

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