Photoprism et nextcloud

Je souhaiterais savoir si vous avez réussi à synchroniser vos photos nextcloud vers photoprism. Si c’est le cas, quel tutoriel avez-vous utilisé ? Car je me perds entre les différentes possibilités offertes :

Si vous avez fait quelque chose comme cela, pourriez-vous me recommander une méthode ?
En vous remerciant.

Bonjour michelw1,

I hadn’t installed Photoprism yet, but I heard it’s a nice app!

As such, I have no hands-on experience. It seems that the options come down to three implementations:

  1. “Indexed” WebDAV : files are not copied to Photoprism, they stay (only) in Nextcloud
  2. “Imported” WebDAV : files are copied to Photoprism; they are optionally deleted in Nextcloud (“move”), else “importing” means “duplicating” (but only unique files are imported: the three duplicate files in Nextcloud are only imported once)
  3. Mount as “Originals”: declare the Nextcloud file directory as Docker volume ; Photoprism works on the native file system

I hope I summarized it correctly from the docs, don’t hesitate to point at a mistake :wink:

Each option, of course, has some benefits and some drawbacks. Chose your poison :stuck_out_tongue:

  • WebDAV is a bit slower than direct access. “Indexed WebDAV” would mean, I think, that the metadata is in the Photoprism database (and quickly available), but browsing pictures would run over WebDAV to get the actual picture data. Maybe thumbnails are created Photoprism-side, improving perdormance.
  • “Imported WebDAV” does away with the performance hit introduced by WebDAV, as importing is done only once. If you want to keep the files in Nextcloud as well, it means double the disk space is needed
  • Direct mounting of the Nextcloud data-directory: fast access, no duplicates, but Nextcloud does not know what happens to the files. If you delete a file in Photoprism, Nextcloud thinks it is still there until you occ scan the datadirectory.

If it were my installation, I’d chose direct mounting. I hardly ever throw pictures away. If I’d add metadata in Photoprism, it would not be a problem if the metadata is unknown to Nextcloud. If I add photos via Photoprism that I want available in Nextcloud, I could run the file scanner.

Bonjour @wbk,
Merci beaucoup pour le temps que vous avez pris pour répondre point par point à ma question, et surtout d’avoir détaillé les configurations possibles. Je vais donc suivre vos conseils en faisant un montage direct entre les dossiers de Nextcloud et Photoprism.
En essayant d’utiliser la documentation recommandée

Je searis peut-être amené à revenir vers vous si vous le voulez-bien.
En vous remerciant encore pour votre aide, bonne journée.

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