PgAdmin installation fail / PgAdmin installation en échec


I got an error when i try to install PgAdmin from Yunohost interface.

Could you help me to fix it?

I’m using Raspbian 64 Bits on Raspberry pi 4 4GB.

Logs link:


L’installation de PgAdmin depuis l’interface Yunohost est en échec.

Est-ce que vous pouvez m’aider à résoudre cela ?

J’utilise un raspberry pi 4 4gb avec Raspbian 64 Bits.

Lien des logs:

c.f. Installation fails: sqlite3.OperationalError: no such table: user · Issue #4 · YunoHost-Apps/pgadmin_ynh · GitHub

Apparently the install may work from the command line

Thank’s, it’s ok!

So, now, how can i log into this pgadmin?

I’ve tried with admin user mail + password but not work :’(.

Apparently from what I see in the install manifest, you’re suppose to have chosen an admin user + password right before the install of the appl, did you try these ?

Yeeeeah it’s OK! I missed that I was asked for a password at installation…

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