Peertube with Wasabi need to access "config/production.yaml"

Hi there,

My YunoHost server

Hardware: VPS bought online
YunoHost version: 11.2.3 (stable).
I have access to my server : Through SSH | through the webadmin
Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : No

If your request is related to an app, specify its name and version: Peertube 5.2.0~ynh1

I want to use Wasabi cloud storage for my Peertube site, so I need to access “config/production.yaml”.

It says,

  • Do not modify the /var/www/<app>/conf/production.yaml file, because it will be overridden in the next upgrade. Please instead either change them though the web interface or create a /var/www/<app>/conf/local.yaml file, assign it the same owner, group and rights than for conf/production.yaml and fill there your specific settings.
  • Note: when the same option have different values in production.yaml and local.yaml files, only the value in local.yaml is taken into account.

What I am are trying to achieve: My admin role need to create a /var/www/<app>/conf/local.yaml, do I have the permission to do that? The root for my admin role only take me to certain folder.

By using cd ~ won’t take me to the home

pyat@hrjh:~$ cd ~
pyat@hrjh:~$ ls
pyat@hrjh:~$ cd media
pyat@hrjh:~/media$ ls
pyat@hrjh:~/media$ cd ~

I also try to access /var/www/<app>/through FTP as well, failed
Screenshot 2023-07-31 at 10.51.39 PM

I presume the best way would be:

1.Download the /var/www/<app>/conf/production.yaml file through SFTP, and rename to local.yaml and upload to /var/www/<app>/conf

  1. check the owner, group and rights of /var/www/<app>/conf/production.yaml
ls -ld /var/www/<app>/conf/production.yaml

3.assign it the same owner, group and rights to local.yaml

Can I do this:

sudo chmod +rx /var/www/<app>/conf/production.yaml

I don’t know a lot of command line. I have successfully installed peertube once, however, I cannot connect Wasabi with that peertube site. Then, I all of my other installation were failed. So I am now try to use Yunohost, and hopefully, I can connect my new peertube site with Wasabi cloud.

Thanks in advance for your attention and help.

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Hi everyone, for who ever may see this in the future. Because it shows that this post will be automatically close if no one is responding it in 15 days.

Just to want to let you know that, if I ever find a solution, I will use the same title to submit a new post. If not, which means I still don’t know how to find and make changes to the production.yaml file.

Any tips/suggestions/guides will be much appreciated.

Please feel free to create a new post, and @Ash3T1 .

(or you could ask a moderator to unlock the thread :innocent: )

What you lack is access rights to /var/www/<app>/conf/local.yaml. It’s better to use the command line interface, since Peertube might not have the rights to open its directory to SFTP.

# Become root user to gain total access to the server
sudo su
# Your steps
cd /var/www/<app>/conf
nano local.yaml
# and then paste and edit your file
# save and quit with CTRL+O then CTRL+X

Thanks for your reply.

I have follow your instructions.

After login with the admin account, then

root@domain:/var/www/peertube/config# ls
default.yaml	       local-test-1.json	test-2.yaml  test-6.yaml
dev.yaml	       production.yaml		test-3.yaml  test.yaml
local-dev.json	       production.yaml.example	test-4.yaml
local-production.json  test-1.yaml		test-5.yaml

It says on the IMPORTANT POINT TO READ BEFORE INSTALLING page which is under applications - > peertube

Do not modify the /var/www/<app>/conf/production.yaml file, because it will be overridden in the next upgrade. Please instead either change them though the web interface or create a /var/www/<app>/conf/local.yaml file, assign it the same owner, group and rights than for conf/production.yaml and fill there your specific settings.

There is no local.yaml file. Which one should I edit?

By the way, when I did

swapon /swapfile suggestioned under on the IMPORTANT POINT TO READ BEFORE INSTALLING page which is under applications - > peertube for " You need more then 1 GB of RAM. If you don’t have it, please create a swap memory."

It returns with:

swapon: /swapfile: insecure permissions 0644, 0600 suggested.`
root@domain:~# echo "/swapfile swap swap defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
root@domain:~# chmod a+rwx,u-x,g-rwx,o-rwx,ug-s,-t /swapfile
root@domain:~# ls -ld /swapfile
-rw------- 1 root root 1073741824 Aug  4 10:35 /swapfile

Did I do the right thing? May the IMPORTANT POINT TO READ BEFORE INSTALLING** page need some changes?

You clearly did not, since you ran an ls. :wink:
The nano command will open a file editor that will create the file if it’s missing. No worries here.

Run sudo chmod 0600 /swapfile… or actually run your chmod command before running swapon.

Thanks for your explanation.

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