Hardware: DELL Optiplex 7010 YunoHost version: (stable). I have access to my server : Through SSH | through the webadmin | direct access via keyboard / screen | … Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : No. If yes, please explain: If your request is related to an app, specify its name and version: Peertube 6.0.2~ynh1
Description of my issue
Upgraded the app using Yunohost from 5.2.1 to 6.0.2 . The domain works, i can check videos, modify them and all, but if i try to watch any of them (old or new) they don’t start at all.: Tried to re-encode them with HLS , nothing works.
There are no error messages. Here is the website if you want to check. https://cinema.streampredator.online
Same problem for me… I should have wait before installing the update…
I tried :
cd /var/www/peertube/
yunohost app shell peertube
NODE_CONFIG_DIR=/var/www/peertube/config NODE_ENV=production npm run create-generate-storyboard-job – --all-videos
but the problem still exist
Is there a way to solve the probleme manually ? Can I uninstall peertube and reinstall previous version (5.2.1~ynh1 ) without loosing the videos ? I m not a pro with yunohost, and I don’t want to make bad things.
May be the best for me is waiting for a new update in yunohost ??
This only generate the preview thumbnails during playback. It’s not meant to fix the issue.
Yes, it’s adviced to do that. Peertube data shouldn’t be affected (the videos are still there), and you revert to the previous state before the upgrade (the backup make automatically before the upgrade). Any changed made after the upgrade would be loosed (including comments, …), but the videos shouldn’t change.
Uninstall and reinstall, and it does not work anymore (bad gateway when trying to acces to peertube) !!
The error message in peertube log is permision denied, I must have made some mistakes…
I found these issues too, but I don’t think it’s related : it’s a S3 storage issue, while here it was the case for any storage type (local or S3). It’s also not an issue with the videos disappearing (they still exist).
I think it’s a common error message for the case where the video is referenced, but impossible to find.
The pull request I mentionned, which is about to be merge and released as a normal update, will fix the issue.
If you have proper backups, you may try it to fix your issue with the broken version 6.0.2~ynh1. If you’re still in version 5.2.1, you may try the upgrade and give us feedback, or wait for the normal release.
I read that github issue topic and I’ve seen that 18h ago, the merge was ready to be done !
I’ve any activity on my peertube, it’s a brand new.
I could try to get the new version. If you need a user to test it, just give me the link and how to update from github (I’m kinda knew to all of that), otherwise I’ll wait the update quietly !