Package_check --rebuild : Failed instance creation: Invalid instance name "yunohost/bullseye-stable/appci": Cannot contain slashes

I’m trying to install locally package check on a VM.
The OS is debian 12.
I had a previous version of package_check installed, but I deleted the folder and re git clone it.
I’ve also removed the previous yunohost image (which was pointing to with lxc remote remove yunohost
Then I’ve refollowed the set up instruction on github:

  • Installed lynx jq btrfs-progs
  • Installed lxd
  • ran lxd --init and approved all the default settings
  • added the image repository with lxc remote add yunohost --protocol simplestreams --public

When I run ./ /mypath/mypackage_ynh, I have following message:

Testing package /mypath/mypackage_ynh
Launching new LXC ynh-appci-bullseye-amd64-stable-test-0 ...
Critical: Can't find base image yunohost/bullseye-stable/appci, run ./ --rebuild

If I run ./ --rebuild, I have

rror: Invalid instance name
Creating yunohost/bullseye-stable/appci
Error: Failed instance creation: Invalid instance name "yunohost/bullseye-stable/appci": Cannot contain slashes
Error: Invalid instance name
Error: Invalid instance name
Error: Invalid instance name
Error: Invalid instance name
Error: Invalid instance name
Error: Invalid instance name
Error: Invalid instance name
Error: Invalid instance name
Error: Invalid instance name
Error: Invalid instance name
Error: Invalid instance name
Error: Invalid instance name
Error: Invalid instance name
Error: Invalid instance name
Error: Invalid instance name
Error: Invalid instance name
Error: Invalid instance name
Error: Invalid instance name
Error: Invalid instance name
Error: Failed fetching fingerprint "yunohost/bullseye-stable/appci": Image not found
Error: Instance not found
Error: Failed checking instance snapshot exists "local:yunohost/bullseye-stable/appci": Instance not found

Any clue?

Solved it by deinstalling lxd and installing incus instead.