I’m trying to install locally package check on a VM.
The OS is debian 12.
I had a previous version of package_check installed, but I deleted the folder and re git clone
I’ve also removed the previous yunohost image (which was pointing to https://devbaseimgs.yunohost.org:8443) with lxc remote remove yunohost
Then I’ve refollowed the set up instruction on github:
- Installed lynx jq btrfs-progs
- Installed lxd
- ran lxd --init and approved all the default settings
- added the image repository with
lxc remote add yunohost https://repo.yunohost.org/incus --protocol simplestreams --public
When I run ./package_check.sh /mypath/mypackage_ynh
, I have following message:
Testing package /mypath/mypackage_ynh
Launching new LXC ynh-appci-bullseye-amd64-stable-test-0 ...
Critical: Can't find base image yunohost/bullseye-stable/appci, run ./package_check.sh --rebuild
If I run ./package_check.sh --rebuild
, I have
rror: Invalid instance name
Creating yunohost/bullseye-stable/appci
Error: Failed instance creation: Invalid instance name "yunohost/bullseye-stable/appci": Cannot contain slashes
Error: Invalid instance name
Error: Invalid instance name
Error: Invalid instance name
Error: Invalid instance name
Error: Invalid instance name
Error: Invalid instance name
Error: Invalid instance name
Error: Invalid instance name
Error: Invalid instance name
Error: Invalid instance name
Error: Invalid instance name
Error: Invalid instance name
Error: Invalid instance name
Error: Invalid instance name
Error: Invalid instance name
Error: Invalid instance name
Error: Invalid instance name
Error: Invalid instance name
Error: Invalid instance name
Error: Failed fetching fingerprint "yunohost/bullseye-stable/appci": Image not found
Error: Instance not found
Error: Failed checking instance snapshot exists "local:yunohost/bullseye-stable/appci": Instance not found
Any clue?