Ntfy just not working after install

My YunoHost server

Hardware: 64 bits regular computer
YunoHost version: 11.1.17
I have access to my server : Through SSH | through the webadmin
Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : not really
If your request is related to an app, specify its name and version: ntfy 2.3.1

Description of my issue

The installation process goes without any problem, but everything goes as if the app did not install at all. I installed it on a dedicated domain, but I get a redirection to my main domain when trying to access it, so I have no web access. When trying to send a notification through a cli, I get an error 302 (wich seems to confirm this behaviour). But the ntfy service appear in the list of services as runningā€¦

Any idea of what is happening ?

And as a precision : ntsy does not appear as a tile despite the settings being set accordingly.

Can you share the installation log, and the service logs?

Found it sorry

Install log : https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/osikikekij

Service log : hastebin

I can replicate the issue. Investigatingā€¦

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OK so, weirdly, the app is not initialized with any user granted access to it. Give your user permission to Ntfy, and it works.


Wow thanks :green_heart:

That simple, I was writing all about my specific situation to try and help your investigation :grin: , but you are too fast and efficient !

Much love, you are awesome !

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A last question :

When trying to send notifications with th simple command provided by the notify doc :

curl -d "Backup successful šŸ˜€" https://domain.tld/mytopic

I still get error 302, even trying with the username or token authentifications methods provided. Should ntfy be configured as accessible to visitors ? Is trying this a security risk ?

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