Not possible to setup SMTP Relay on webadmin / SSH

What type of hardware are you using: Raspberry Pi 3, 4+
What YunoHost version are you running: 12.0.11
How are you able to access your server: The webadmin

Describe your issue

Hey Folks and Big thanks for working on yunohost :slight_smile:

I cant setup a SMTP Relay thru webadmin.
On my ISP the username is the same as my email adress (If its a issue with special chars).

If I save my smtp data on webadmin β†’ success
After revisitin the settings page again it seems only the prefix (anything before @) was saved and not the complete email adress… anything else was correctly saved

Then I tried using yunohost CLI:
sudo yunohost settings set email.smtp.smtp_relay_enabled -v yes β†’ no error
but next both CLI commands I tested :

sudo yunohost settings set smtp.relay.port -v 465``` 
I got same error on both commands:
```Error: The filter key 'smtp.relay.port' is incorrect.```

I am not modified any conf files by myself coz dont know how your implemented scripts are working or if anything will be replaced etc
Also newest apt updates already installed

### Share relevant logs or error messages
No journalctl errors available only got the error when using yunohost CLI:
Error: The filter key 'smtp.relay.port' is incorrect.

btw Sorry for bad Thread formatting but your forum software seems not allow to edit self created topics :frowning:

That should be email.smtp.smtp_relay_enabled (you want to set it to true), _port, _host, _user and _password (yes, the doc is not up to date)

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