What type of hardware are you using: Virtual machine What YunoHost version are you running: 12.0.6 What app is this about: Mastodon
Describe your issue
After install Mastodon, previously setting that my yunohost admin user is the mastodon admin user, when i try the first attempt to log in, i’m redirected to the account settings, where there are two alerts. One says, in yellow, that the account "is on pending review by our staff, you will receive an email, bla, bla) and the second, in green, that my account is fully operative. I can not navigate to the administration page or back to the main page, seems that it is mandatory to modify the password at the first login, but i am unable to do that. Always get the error message that the user current password is wrong, which is not (the password manager stores it)
Yes, that’s what I meant, contributing to the doc.
(We must not forget that the app packager does not always use the app in real life… therefore, your input as a user is valuable)