Nondeleteable contacts in nextcloud


My YunoHost server

Hardware: PC @ home (Igel thin client H830C with 4 GB RAM & 2 TB SSD consuming only 6 W without every noise ;-))

YunoHost version: 11.2.3 (stable)
I have access to my server : Through SSH | through the webadmin | direct access via keyboard / screen |

Description of my issue

My nextcloud instance have 10 users. Now I recognized, that in the address book of every user there are all users listed as contacts, and I’m unable to delete these members from all (or even some) contact lists. It is not useful to import all users of my server to all the users contacts by default. I can’t remember (or even imagine) how I should have included them by default.
All contacts are listed in the address book “Accounts” that is not removable. Trying to delete this gives the error message “Deletion of address book was not successful.”

Ho can I remove the address book “Accounts” that includes the names of all users.

Thanks in advance



Mon serveur YunoHost

Matériel: PC à la maison (Igel thin client H830C avec 4 GB RAM & 2 TB SSD consommant seulement 6 W sans aucun bruit ;-))

Version de YunoHost: 11.2.3 (stable)
J’ai accès à mon serveur : Via SSH | via le webadmin | accès direct via le clavier / l’écran

Description de mon problème

Mon instance nextcloud a 10 utilisateurs. Je me suis rendu compte que dans le carnet d’adresses de chaque utilisateur, il y a tous les utilisateurs listés comme contacts, et je suis incapable de supprimer ces membres de toutes les listes de contacts (ou même de certaines d’entre elles). Il n’est pas utile d’importer tous les utilisateurs de mon serveur dans les contacts de tous les utilisateurs par défaut. Je ne me souviens pas (ni même n’imagine) comment j’aurais dû les inclure par défaut.
Tous les contacts sont listés dans le carnet d’adresses “Comptes” qui n’est pas amovible. En essayant de le supprimer, le message d’erreur suivant s’affiche : “La suppression du carnet d’adresses n’a pas abouti”.

Comment puis-je supprimer le carnet d’adresses “Comptes” qui contient les noms de tous les utilisateurs.

Merci d’avance


Can you share a screenshot (you may hide sensitive information, I only need to check if the issue is within Nextcloud core, or one of its apps)? Are all these users in the same YunoHost group?

OK, let’s start without screenshots (I guess I can deliver more infos in text :wink:

Users in nextcloud:
User (short); groups; also yunohost-Account
Armin; all_users; yes
Hans; friends; no
Jeanne; all_users; parents; family; yes
Karl; friends; no
Marte (me); admin, admins, all_users, parents, family; yes
Mona; ;no
Nicola; friends; no
Simone; all_users, family; yes
Isabelle; all_users, family, yes

looking @ Isabelle now. In her contact list is
Admin; admin_legacy,
Armin; Armin Hauser;
Hans; hans@somewhere.mail;
Jeanne; Fullname;
Karl; …
Marte; …
Mona; …
Nicola; …
Simone; …
Isabelle; …

Just all users of my nextcloud instance are contacts by default from all users. All are listed in the Address book “Accounts” that is not excludable and not deletable, nor hidable.

How to hide these contacts from all users?

A very interesting detail: Simone marked their visibility in all points to “Hide” and is also included in the default address book that can not be disabled!

Looks like it may be a problem with Contacts 5.3.2 ?
What will happen, if I disable this app? Will all my contacts and CardDAV disappear?


Hi tituspijean,

what kind of screenshot do you need to check if it is a problem within Nextcloud core or one of its apps?
What will happen, if I delete the app “Contacts”? Will this only remove the app in the desk or will it remove CardDAV from my Nextcloud instance? Because there are a few others running on it. I don’t want to experiment too much :wink:


same problem here.
There is a default “accounts” address book in contact app that shows all accounts on the server. Even the “admin_legacy” is listed.
My nexcloud is configured to show only users that are in same groups. It works in nextcloud contact menu (the one which is integrated with nextcoud that you use to share something with other users), but it does not work not in the contact app.
Why contact app does not follow filters of ldaa request ?
Thanks for you help

seems related to this

According to this:

Changed in version 27: The system address book is now accessible to all Nextcloud users

Nextcloud maintains a read-only address book containing contact information of all users of the instance.

Disabled users are removed from this address book.

Some yunohost users are not users of my nextcloud instance (due to yunohost permissions sytem and ldap filters in nexcloud configuration) nevertheless there are listed in this system address book even they have no profile in my instance.
So to me, it seems to be a bug with this new feature and the way users are defined in yunohost

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