Same problem: “The peer didn’t like the signature we sent”
Log: https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/ekisinumos
Please, remove izq.ynh.fr
Thanks in advance
Same problem: “The peer didn’t like the signature we sent”
Log: https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/ekisinumos
Please, remove izq.ynh.fr
Thanks in advance
All done.
Since YunoHost 11.2, you can now define a password on your nohost.me , noho.st and ynh.fr domain, so that the recovery is automatic and no longer requires to post here.
@3fla1416 @kjanek @Arus @tachyon this is not the thread to request support, this is only for deleting domains. Last warning.
SVP je demande de effacer le domaine lonampio.ynh.fr Merci!
All done.
Since YunoHost 11.2, you can now define a password on your nohost.me , noho.st and ynh.fr domain, so that the recovery is automatic and no longer requires to post here.
Ceci n’est pas une demande de suppression de domaine, demande ailleurs. (N.B., on fait ce qu’on peut, on ne donne pas de dates, et il y a une alternative dans la-dite documentation).
are no longer used and can be removed. Thank you.
J’aimerais effacer si possible le nom de domaine cvaa.noho.st pour que je puisse le réutiliser svp ?
Merci beaucoup
All done.
Since YunoHost 11.2, you can now define a password on your nohost.me , noho.st and ynh.fr domain, so that the recovery is automatic and no longer requires to post here.
J’aimerais supprimer le nom de domaine yo.nohost.me pour que je puisse le réutiliser svp ?
Merci la team
All done.
Since YunoHost 11.2, you can now define a password on your nohost.me , noho.st and ynh.fr domain, so that the recovery is automatic and no longer requires to post here.
But I want to delete domain rushub.nohost.me. Please
Pourriez-vous supprimer le nom de domaine “proko.noho.st” pour réinstallation.
Merci beaucoup.
Je souhaiterais pouvoir réutiliser le nom de domaine yacoulet.ynh.fr pour une réinstallation.
Merci de me l’avoir grâcieusement offert, de me le reprendre, que je le redemande une nouvelle fois.
Merveilleux travail que yunohost au travers duquel j’apprends beaucoup. Merci encore.
Where can the password be set to recover domain? It is not explained in the domains page here Nohost.me domains | Yunohost Documentation as this still redirects to this thread.
Hello, please delete this domain:
I forgot to put a password and my installation blew up today, thank you
Would it be possible to delete the domain dooxe.nohost.me
so that I can use it again? I created a brand new ynh server and I can’t use this domain anymore because it exists.
Further more, I used the dc.nohost.me
domain to postinstall my server, and eventhough it worked, this domain seems to be used by someone else already.
Thanks a lot
I have changed my nohost.me domain to another domain.
Can you delete old domain, please?
my server totally crashed after a power outage, could you remove the efestocloud.ynh.fr domain so I can start again?